
Never forget

Cassandra doesn't turn as her daughter approaches, but she does return a kiss to her cheek. As Victoria sits down beside her, she finally shifts her gaze, meeting the worried and inquisitive stare. Her hand finds Victoria's and gives it a gentle squeeze. 

"We don't get to talk as often as I would like." A tear glistens in her eye. "You've come so far and you've become such a beautiful woman. I know that there is no future for you here. But there is always a future..." She touches over Victoria's heart. "...in here. And I never want you to lose that. I have done all I possibly can do. The rest is up to you... and if there is a God, He would be the only one to save you. I don't know if He exists or not, but I have prayed to Him to deliver you from the terrible things you are forced to do." 

Forcing a smile, her hand rises to her daughter's face. "Oh, Victoria... do not ask me such questions of whether or not I am a traitor. You know I cannot answer. I will not knowingly place you in danger as well." 

Rising slowly, she walks to the balcony railing once more and takes a deep breath of the fresh night air while looking up at the stars. "Whatever happens to me, I do not regret my choices. The right choice, Victoria, can never be regretted, no matter the price. Never forget that. Love is pure. Hope is righteous. Joy is the inner strength that so few find. After this night, when you look at the stars, I want you to remember these things. Promise me, Victoria." Her eyes remain on the sky. "Promise me that you'll never give your heart away to the darkness."

"Okay... good." Seeing Katie smile makes Jason smile as well. He'd missed seeing her happy. Maybe Con was right. Maybe he just needed to spend some extra special time with Katie so she'd know he still cared. 

Sliding his hand across the table, his fingers find hers and he gives them a little squeeze. "We're gonna make it, Hero... I know we are."

Tal chuckles at Ryan and shakes his head a little. "Naw, I'm good for now. Tired but I got a lot to do. I gotta sort through all my mail, I gotta figure out how to get the pups to the vet, I gotta call the buyer before he thinks I've forgotten about him and I have to talk to my landlord about giving me an extension on my rent til I get the money from the pups."

Eli rolls his eyes. "So much for taking it easy. Dude... you just got back from the hospital. How about waiting a day or two to do all that?" 

"I can't. It's gotta be done right away or I'm gonna lose everything." Tal sighs. He hurt, he was tired, and he was trying really really hard not to let all this get him down. "Look, I... I'm glad for all the help you guys have given me and I know you're not gonna let me down. But I still got a life I gotta keep under control." 

Eli wanders closer, folding his arms, and his eyes drift to his sister. "I'm thinking we stay here for the evening, I'll go get some pizza, you help Tal make some phone calls... whatd'ya say?" He wasn't going to let Tal tell him no.

Lying in the grass, now dry for quite a while, Justin had abandoned his fishing after catching enough for supper. Now he was just putting off going home. 

With his hands behind his head, he glances over to where Beth was and Danitza lying next to her. He was glad they'd had today together. It might become a rarity from here on out. 

"So, you um... you wanna come over for a fish supper?" he invites. "Or..." Maybe she wouldn't want to now. He didn't want to make her feel awkward or even guilty with her date with Zach coming up.

Carson leans back against the wall of the building, the night air surrounding him. It didn't hide, however, the odor of beer and cigarette smoke of which he reeked. The socializing inside the Bullseye was far from over, but he knew he needed to aim towards home.

Heading down the sidewalk, he staggers just a little bit and leans on a street light for support before moving on. His car was still at Mom and Pop's. Thursday night. The Bible study might still be at the restaurant, if they'd had a late night of discussion. He was usually there to lock up afterward, but tonight he'd left a note that Axel could close up after the study.

It takes a short while to reach Mom and Pop's, and when he does, there's someone waiting for him outside.

...As the Bible study wraps up, Axel leans back in his seat and listens to Rocky and Phil discuss the verses they'd just read. The two didn't disagree, but were debating anyway about the exact meaning. The three were the only ones left - a couple other guys had called it a night already.

Chewing on some ice leftover from his pop, movement outside catches Axel's attention. He'd wondered why Carson's car was still here earlier but had figured maybe Misty had picked him up or something. Apparently not, though. He squints, seeing that Carson is outside with... a woman? Axel cocks his head a little, more curious than anything. He didn't recognize the woman. Was Carson... staggering? Before Axel can decide if he's going to go outside or not, the woman helps Carson get into her car and they pull away, her driving. Odd.

"So do you agree?"

Axel snaps back to attention and looks at Phil. "Um..." He gives a wry grin. "I think I agree with both of you."

...It was several more hours before Carson was at his own front door. He fiddles with his keys, seeming to have a very hard time finding the right one. It take several tries with the correct one to actually get it into the lock so he can open the door.

Finally getting inside, he trips over a chair by the closet, causing a loud bang. "Shhh," he chides the chair. Wobbling a little bit he manages to get his shoes off without falling over. He still smelled like the Bullseye, though this time a slight scent of perfume mingled with the odor of beer and smoke.

Slithering into the living room, he spots Misty on the couch. "Psssst." He quirks a silly grin and ambles over, grabbing the back of the couch so he didn't fall over. Flopping down beside her, he ruffles her hair. "G'day, pretty sheila." His accent was thick tonight, coated with a slight slur. "Or g'night." He grins again. "S'ry. I... think I'm late." He nods, then sticks out his lower lip, his eyes furrowed in a most sorrowful way. "Not mad 't me, are ya?"

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