

As Dylan stands behind her and helps her position herself Ashlee could feel a little color come to her cheeks. Having a crush on Dylan made Ashlee not mind to much on top of being thankful for the help. It was almost like a dream though to have him with his arms around her even though it was innocent Ashlee couldn't help but feel her heart beat a little faster.

   "So just picture where its going to go, how its going to hit, and than shoot?"

Standing and just letting Dylan guide her Ashlee watches, lines everything up and just lets his hand guide her own. As the ball shoots down the green and bounces and zig zags she gives a little laugh. It didn't make it in first short but it was much better than she had planned.

   "Hey Hey look at that, at least I got it through on the first shot."

Ashlee can't help but laugh as she looks at Dylan with a silly face. Maybe if they took a little more time he'd be able to help her more before the adults came back. She was proud of herself with Dylan's help making that shot.

   "Ok, now its your turn."

Looking up at Eric's still and watching the lights dance in his eyes something about this whole thing seemed magic and right. There was something different here than when she had been married the first time, there was feelings much deeper than she had felt with Rich.

   "Keep being yourself, keep your arms open, and never hide anything from me, be respectful to my daughter though I don't think you will have a problem with that one, and you wont ever have to worry about failing."

Stacy new any relationship starting out or one that had gone one for years would have its faults. There would be problems and misunderstanding but it was being able to get over them that was important. Sticking together, having open communication and being there when they would fall was important. Also putting God first in there relationship was one of the most important things. 

Than there would be Ashlee and making sure she was ok with it, making sure there was understanding there and that everything would be alright. Though that part Stacy wasn't worried about. Ashlee had already grown attachen to Eric, and Eric her so there was no worrys about them getting along.

   "I guess we should find the kids...something tells me they didn't wait around to long for us."

Just letting Eric's arm rest around her Stacy slips her one free arm around his wast as they move forward. A smile seemed to be painted on her face as this just seemed natural. It had been a long time Stacy walked with anyone like this. But it felt...right!

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