

Letting out yet another long sigh Katie takes a swig of her beer and swishes the liquid around in her mouth for a long moment just savoring the taste. It was cool and refreshing and she liked it. All in all it didn't seem that bad to have a drink if it was once in a while.

Hunter's comment strikes her as being slightly funny. It was strange in a way to hear someone else say about how nice she was. Most of the time it had been Jason or someone close to her but something about how Hunter said it was just....different.

   "Thanks for reassuring me I'm not broken but I sure do feel like it. Jason he's...always been my rock and now it feels like I'm sinking you know. Like I should just sink myself so it not long and drawn out."

Just shaking her head again Katie didn't mean to sound so depressed but its how her mood was right now. She just felt like complete crap, and she couldn't help her moon matched.

   "How about a toast...to freedom may it treat us both well and...something...something..something."

Katie gives a laugh knowing she sounded completely retarded right now but the beer was sinking in and she was laughing so that was the point of coming right?

   "You have to get another beer though if your gonna toast."

Watching Garret as he comes up the steps her face was a lack of emotion though standing there she felt like a puppy who was waiting for there master. Two had gone and one had come back. It was a fate she new was coming but somewhere inside her heart she had hoped. 

As Garret takes her hand and places the locket into it Victoria can't help the tear that finally broke from her eye. This was her mother, her flesh and blood, she was not made of stone and if someone anyone did not understand that than let them punish her too.

Wrapping her fingers around the locked she would keep it always, she would always ware it. And Garret's request would always be honored...though she hurt she could never be so mad as to not forgive him knowing he had to do it. 

Slowly descending the steps Victoria slowly walk down the walk way, into the garden's and to the secret spot with the swing. Right now she just wanted to be alone, she wanted privacy, she wanted to be able to cry freely. Now it was the time for morning the woman who had given her life.

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