
Little Time

Gently without say anything about it Stacy slips her hand it Eric's and curls her fingers around his. Looking up at him she gives a smile her eyes twinkling. She didn't want the night to end so having him come with her was perfect.

   "I wouldn't mind at all. The continued company would be nice."

Still holding his hand Stacy leads the way on witch she normally started out. Once on the rout though she lets Eric lead and slows down the pace. It was a nice night out, warm with a cool breeze tonight...she was in no hurry.

Once back at Justin's apartment Beth helps but putting paper plates, cups, and utencles into a basket her had brought from her place. They could of gone in the cooler but they could of gotten damaged there and than they would be out of luck. Once finished with that she grabs the stuff to make some pasta salad and sets to work as Justin works on there subs.

Stopping for a moment at Justin question Beth looks up at him and gives a smile. Beth was in a great mood today and she couldn't help but feel being at church this morning had something to do with that. It really felt great like she been refreshed.

   "I had a wonderful time Justin. I'd like to go again if you wouldn't mind me being there with you. The sermon was good, your church is not to big and everyone you introduced me to seemed very nice."

Going back to mixing everything together Beth takes a little spoon and tastes it.  Tilting her head a little bit deep in thought about what else it might need she goes to Justin's fridge to see what he had. Grabbing the mustard and than going to the cubord to grab the pepper she returns. Adding a little of this and that she tastes it once more being giving a nod.

   "Now its perfect. What else do we have to bring?"

Putting her arms around Eli's neck Scarlet gives a laugh and she leans in a kiss him a little more before pulling away her eyes twinkling. Becoming closer and closer to Eli it was getting harder and harder to leave him behind each time she went on a job. Even if she new she would be back she missed him something horrible.

   "I think...coming over to my place would be a good idea. Let your sister be for one night so she can have a little bit of her own time."

Leaning her forehead against Eli's Scarlet looks into his eyes for a long moment before giving the tip of his nose a kiss, than his cheek, than his lips letting the kiss linger quiet a bit longer thing time before pulling away.

   "So, shall we hit the road or sit here and think a little bit more?"

Taking a sip of her water Katie sets it down than looks across the table and gives a smile to Jason. It seemed even small conversation was getting harder and harder but they were trying and that was important...right?

   "At the moment he's got me helping Gunner with the races outside of town he thinks the Agency might be in on. We haven't come across anything solid yet and if we don't soon than that case will more than likely be done. I wouldn't be superied though if they were part of it and have just covered it up good."

 Spooning some rice into her mouth Katie chews it studying Jason across the table. The topic of Sandy and Hunter had not come up yet and for that she was happy. Carson had told her to talk to Jason about her feels but she just didn't know how. Maybe not saying anything at all was a good thing and it was just fade with times.

Feeling what becoming a little easier now though most of her feelings were not alwasy good ones good ones it was a start. Now to just figure out how to get more good ones around Jason and she would be set. Surely they where there, she new she loved him, it was just trying to fine them, understand them, and work through them that was the hard part.

   "How about you anything fun and exciting?"

Entering Mom and Pop's and hearing his name a grin couldn't help but come across Trey's lips. He new that little voice already from once a few times, and he'd never forget it as long as he lived. Coming over to the booth and looking down at Kaylee he brings a finger to her cheek to give it a soft rub.

   "Hey there Squirt! Sure looks like your keeping mom on her toes today huh?"

Sitting down and taking his jacket off Trey leans his arms on the table and looks across the table at his mom giving a small smile. He felt...good about being here today. He'd been able to drive himself and spending a little bit of time with his mom and sister before they left would be nice.

The change had happened quickly, and still Trey himself could hardly believe that he was liking being here now. But it had happened and he was thankful...He's always wanted a sister, and his mom seemed so nice. 

   "How are you doing today?"

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