

Garret relaxes under Victoria's touch and he manages a small smile for her as well. Leaning down, he gives her lips a tender kiss. He knew she'd been with Mr. Harkins. He knew what all of that meant. But each time she returned, he wiped it from her record in his mind, knowing that no matter her jobs, her heart was his. 

"Yeah, they took good care of me." He purses his lips grimly. "But a lot has happened." 

He places his hands on her shoulders and looks her in the eye. His own gaze was a mix of confusion, anger and sorrow. He had to tell her now - it couldn't wait. "While you were gone they... they discovered the leak. Someone was giving intel to the Underground and that's where that shooter at the party was from. He'd come to kill Harkins so he wouldn't give away their own intel." This should be good news. Garret shouldn't have this horrible look in his eye. But he did.

Swallowing hard, he shakes his head. "It was Hans. He's been feeding the Underground for the last ten months. That's how we've been one step behind them this whole time." But there was more. "Medridge has had him in the interrogation room since noon." Everyone knew it was more than an interrogation room - it was more like a torture chamber. "And he talked."

Garret searches Victoria's eyes. Did she know? He'd been clueless. Was it even true? "Hans said your mother has been involved... that she's been in on it with him this whole time, in contact with the Underground. Medridge hasn't acted yet though, too busy with Hans. But... but he's bound to."

Cassandra sits on her balcony bench that overlooked the back of the estate. The moonlight caressed her face and hair that blew gently in the wind. Her eyes roamed the yard below then slowly rose to the stars in the sky. She'd never been too sure if God existed or not, and if He did, if He even heard prayers. But if there was a night she would try, it was surely tonight.

She had yet to be questioned. But she knew it was coming. Her personal maid, Sarah, had very discretely informed her that Hans had been caught and that he had given away Cassandra's name.

Cassandra was grateful. And yet the waiting was so very difficult. Medridge, father-in-law or not, would have her killed for betrayal if it was proven, and she knew it. If her husband were still alive, perhaps it might make a difference, but she doubted it. He would have turned her in himself probably, if he'd had the chance. It wasn't until after he'd been killed by his own stupidity that she'd dared even toy with the idea of helping someone outside the Agency. She'd hated it here since the beginning, being pulled in against her will. Then raising her own daughter while watching her be turned into one of the most skilled murderers and seductress. She'd done her best to instill a moral base into her daughter's heart, and could only hope that it would stick. Cassandra knew that Victoria was forced to do many terrible things - as everyone was here. Every once in a while she caught a glimpse in her daughter's eye that gave her hope Victoria was hanging on to her mother's teachings. And Cassandra had seen a change in Garret as well, even if no one else had. Through it all, her loathing of the Agency only increased. And when the opportunity to go against them had shown itself, she'd taken it.

Now her life was on the line. No one had approached her yet. They were probably waiting to be done with Hans first. He would be tortured and questioned until rung dry, then he would be killed. And then it would be her turn.

A shooting star streaks across the sky and a tear emerges to roll down the side of Cassandra's face.

"Um... I dunno... noon?" Jason knew things still weren't good between him and Katie. The tension was still here and he still hated it. But at least they were speaking and willing to each lunch together. That said something, right? 

"You pick the place and it's my treat today." It was the least he could do to show he was trying...

...Once noon rolled around and they had gone out to lunch, the silence was more than Jason preferred. But at least they weren't arguing. He didn't want to argue, so he didn't bring up anything about his friends or Hunter. 

"So..." He fiddles with a straw wrapper. "You still gonna come to the concert?" He couldn't remember the last time he hadn't been sure of the answer to that. The concert was in just a couple days now and he really didn't know if Katie would still want to come - bodyguard or not.

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