

Eric nods his agreement to Stacy's suggestion of sitting on the bench. On one hand, it felt like they'd just completely abandoned the kids. On the other, it looked as though they were having even more fun just the two of them, and if they really wanted their teammates back, they'd ask. And on a third hand... Eric was just as glad to let a little bit of time pass. After having Ashlee and Dylan both witness his and Stacy's rather intimate moment... he needed a few more minutes to not be as embarrassed. 

 Easing down on the bench, Eric sighs with content. This would be an evening to remember... for more than one reason. 

Looking to Stacy out of the corner of his eye, he grins a little sheepishly before slipping his arm back around her shoulders. If she didn't mind... he certainly didn't. They could deal with the kids' questions or teasing later.

Dylan rolls his eyes. "I may be good but that doesn't mean anybody else doesn't have a chance at beating me." 

He sets up for a long putt and successfully hits it in the hole. Bending to pick up the ball, his eyebrows rise a little. "Ice cream huh?" Even though he'd felt stuffed after dinner, being out here and moving around had helped. "I think I've got some room left for that. As far as your mom goes..." 

Glancing over off the side of the course, he sees Eric and Stacy sit down on the bench. He turns to look at Ashlee, his face without expression, except his eyes that held an amused twinkle. "I think she's in a good enough mood to agree to just about anything." 

Taking a few steps towards the next little course, he sizes up the multiple water traps. "So what do you think of those two anyway? Your mom and Eric together like that, I mean." 

In his pickup driving home, Justin lets his phone ring. He recognized the ringtone, but opts to let his voicemail pick it up. He wasn't in the best of moods and wanted to avoid the chance of taking it out on Beth. 

Once he hears the beep that told him he had a message, he flips the phone open to listen, while keeping one hand on the wheel. He smiles a little. Yes, they were still on for tomorrow, and he was glad she was thinking about it too. 

A while later after he got home, he called her back to confirm their plans, then set to work on his household tasks that had been put off for too long. By the time he fell into bed that night, it was much later than planned, but at least he was too exhausted to think about Jared or Beth or his mom or anything else... 

The next morning dawned bright and warm. It was going to be a hot one, but there was a slight breeze to stir the air. Justin busies himself with preparing a cooler and putting some bottles of water in the fridge to get cold, along with gathering all the necessary fishing equipment. Once satisfied, he cleans himself up for church. He and Beth could come back here after church to change clothes, maybe make a couple sandwiches, then head out to the pond. 

It doesn't take too long for him to be on his way out the door and then to church. Hanging around the foyer, he keeps an eye out for Beth, not wanting her to have to go hunting for him when she arrived. It was a pretty small church and everybody was friendly, but Justin knew that it could still feel a little overwhelming to Beth.

Clint chuckles and runs a hand through Wendy's hair. "Yeah I think my mom's already getting a little suspicious but she's been trying not to ask." He laughs again. "I say we don't say anything and just wait to see who has guts enough to ask first." 

Grinning, he leans down and gives her a tender kiss on the lips. For as rough a start to marriage as they'd had, God had certainly blessed them and allowed them to work it out. Clint knew he and Wendy hadn't started things right - they had done wrong in God's eyes and statistically speaking, it had been the recipe for disaster. But in spite of it all, Clint now couldn't be happier, and he had faith that God would continue to bless them as long as he and Wendy both would strive to please Him. 

Drawing back, Clint lays a hand on top of Wendy's on her belly. His smile returns. "Thank you... for making me the happiest man alive." A few years ago, he would never have said that he felt any kind of desire to have a family. But after experiencing the birth of his children and being able to raise Chase... he'd come to realize a happiness he hadn't even known existed. He didn't have as much freedom, sure... but for once, he didn't mind. He'd rather be home than off gallivanting around anyway. "I love you."

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