

Following Hunter back to her own belongings Katie slips her socks and shoes on. In a way this almost felt like a fairy tail was ending. The only difference was She was with a good friend, and her prince charming was at home. Maybe Katie had taken this whole thing on wrong, maybe things would get better if she just gave it time.

Seeing Hunter hold the bottle out to her and the candy bar than his comment that followed Katie couldn't help but laugh. Taking the offered candy bar and the bottle of pop Katie takes a sip than hands it back. Unwrapping the candy bar and starting to eat it she couldn't help but murmur of satisfaction.

   "It's been ages since I have had chocolate. Or it seems likes its been ages anyways. Thanks Hunter."

Ashlee thinks for a long moment. A movie sounded like fun, but mini golf sounded just as good. It was hard to try and deiced between the two things. She new both of them would be fun, but what one to choose.

   "Awwww....Mini Golf. I think that would be prefect. Than we could all chat and there could be a little competition in there too."

It would give them more time to chat, and spend time with each other. A movie would be nice but they would sit in quiet and in a way that would kind of defeat the reason for going out. So mini golf it was.

As Jared eats one things Grace puts out another, Fruit, Juice, and moves into some lunch items, little sandwiches, little burgers, chicken fingers so much more. She enjoyed watching Jared try each thing and the faces that fold stores.

And his eyes...Grace can't help for a moment to get lost in them. They were deep and full of emotions, they lit up his whole face even if they seemed to have lost hope at the moment. She could only imagine what they must be like when he was happy. 

Realizing she was maybe looking into Jared's eyes for a little to long and he had just asked her a question Grace gives a blink before looking down quickly her cheeks getting a crimson tone.

   "Umm...sometimes yes, no to this existent though. I dont know Jared there is just something about you. Maybe its your eyes...maybe I want to see how good they look when they sparkle. Just one of those things I guess that can't be explained."

 Looking up at Jared though her cheeks were still red there was a smile on her face. She felt a bit silly though she didn't know why. Nore could she believe she had just rambles off everything she had to him. This was definitely out of her zone.

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