

Ashlee can't help but laugh at the thought of counting flowers out in the yard. A little bit of her wanted to say she wanted to do that just to see if Eric really would, but she wouldn't torcher him that much. Not after everything he'd done and continued to do for her.

   "Mmmmm...How about clean some tack? I always like the smell of the tack room. I don't know why its just...nice."

Opening the door to the bunk and seeing Ashlee was gone Stacy was thankful. She wanted to wrap her daughters gift and sign the card she had gotten her but she needed Ashlee not to be around and now was the perfect time. 

Pulling the boots out from the closet Stacy also grabs the back and tissue paper. Neatly setting some inside the bag and than wrapping some around the boots she places them inside as well. Fiddling with the bright yellow paper inside the purple bag she wanted it almost perfect. Taking a ribbon and the card she ties the bag shut.

There was going to be a little birthday surprise in the mess hall once all of the guest cleared out. Cake, some balloons and that's when Stacy would also give Ashlee her gift. Than tonight would be a trip into time for dinner. Stacy was going to see if Eric could come but it had slipped her mind. She would have to see maybe at lunch. Ash new about the dinner and asked if she could ask Dylan to come too. Stacy didn't mind but she didn't know if he would or not. She did know though that Ash wanted him to go so she hoped he would say yes.

Giving a laugh and a shake of her head Hunter was right she did think to much. But sometimes that was a good thing. Hearing tease about Jason Katie rolls her eyes. If she had known Hunter a little more she might have wacked him over the back of the head.

   "Yeah, Don't want to get your but kicked by another girl's man. Though it might help your image with your friends."

Though it was sad it was slightly funny too. Taking the number and putting it into her pocket Katie would put it into her phone when she got home. Grabbing another napkin she jots down the number and hands it to Hunter.

    "There you go its my cell too. I pretty much answer text or calls any time of night. I'm not to sound of a sleeper. I just might do that...Thanks Hunter for the nice time."

Putting her jacket on Katie new the night had to end. It had been fun though better than planned and for a few hours she had forgotten about the hardships of life and just had fun. 

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