

Wondering into the barn Ashlee hada smile on her face. It might be her birthday but that didn't mean she was going to skip out on her work. She enjoyed it and that always made the day better and today wasn't going to stop her from doing what she did every morning. 

Looking around the barn and finding Eric Ashlee walks up to him and gives a little wave. She new he wouldn't be doing to much today because of his leg but even if they said and oiled some leather it would be well worth it to her.

   "Good Morning Eric! I was hopping I'd find you here this morning. What tasks do we have in front of us today?"

Taking a bit of her shrimp Katie can't help but close her eyes as a smile spreads across her lips. This had to be some of the best, fresh shrimp she had, had in a long time. Every bite she wanted another and another thankful this was the item she choose.

As she eat Katie listened to Hunter intently just learning a few new things about him him. Racing kind of sounded like fun though Katie wasn't to sure she'd ever want to go to one. The crowed sounded rowdy and just some place she might not fit in, but who new she might check it out...at least once. His friends...the sounded dumber than she had thought though she hadn't voiced that to Hunter, those were definitely not people Katie would hang out with if she didn't have too.

Once the check had come and Katie had gotten her extra food in a container she digs into her jacket pocket to pull out some money. Tonight had been well worth it and enjoy some time with a friend had been good too. Katie was happy she had met up with Hunter in the store and they had the chance to try and work on a friendship.

   "I am sure I don't want you to pay. You don't have to buy me food to say thank you. I think simply saying "thank you" works good. Also you keep me company too so that seems pretty fair...but you want to do something extra...how about a number I can call you at in case I want to hang out again."

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