

Having his sister leave so suddenly and with such a look of anger on her face, Eli calls after her, but she doesn't turn around. Where was she going? Just to blow of steam, or something more than that? He glances back to the bed where his friend lay - so still... so weak... so helpless. It was a sight he wished he'd never remember, yet would be burned in his mind forever. "Hang in there," he whispers. 

Turning and leaving, he follows after Ryan, trying to keep her within his sights. She might just be going to take a drive to the desert and race out her frustrations. Or, she could be following through with her previous statement about Alec. Either way, Eli only wanted to make sure she was okay and didn't do anything stupid. 

Once outside, he sees Ryan take off in her car, and he's quick to mount up his bike. Heading after her, he loses her for a moment or two, then picks her up again, speeding to keep behind her. Sure enough, she was heading to Alec's. 

Not paying attention to much else, Eli suddenly realizes the traffic light was turning red and there were cars coming across the intersection. Hitting the breaks, he skids on the pavement, his muscles straining to keep his bike upright. Barely coming to a stop in time, he plants his feet on the road, growling in frustration. At least he wasn't too far behind Ryan.

Having Ryan force the door open wider, Alec takes a step back. His eyebrows rise slightly, but he was too leery to show surprise. What was she doing? 

Before he can react, Ryan's angry words are hurled in his direction with deadly venom. Unable to get his own word in and never having thought she would get physical, he never even saw the first punch coming. His head jerks to the side and he catches his balance, snapping his eyes back up to her. His gaze was a mixture of shock, anger... and pain. 

Another punch comes and he takes several more steps back, but Ryan still comes. Alec's reflexes screamed at him to react. Every muscle strained to fight back. To throw his own punch. To take down his attacker. But this was Ryan. This was the woman he'd wanted. The woman he'd been trying to get back. How could he hit her?

Another punch from her, and his fist clenches, ready to defend himself with force. But in that same moment, Ryan's words hit him like a dagger to the heart.  

"I hate you." 

And in an instant, Alec is suddenly very far away. He's in the holding cell, being brought a home cooked meal. He's in Ryan's car with her, dreaming of freedom and wishing he could run away with her. He's being handed a gift that he can't understand but treasures. He's on the beach, learning how to have fun for the first time. He's kissing her... holding her... telling her how she had changed his life around. He's falling asleep with her on the couch, having never felt so peaceful and safe. He's meeting her for lunch and laughing at silly jokes or nothing at all. He's learning how to be a friend and accept friendship. He's allowing her to teach him how to live. He's falling in love with her. 

Another hard hit to his arm brings his mind back to the present and his eyes focus in on the same woman who he had spent so much time with. Had become so close to. Had loved. And she hated him. She hated him so much that she was willing to physically beat him. Every tear that streamed down her face was like a new lethal stab, pushing him farther and farther into a place that he did not like. There was guilt here. Pain. Agony. 

And he had brought it all upon himself. He was the one who had caused Ryan to change from the smiling, confident, fun girlfriend, to this hateful, tormented woman. 

It was all. 

Catching Ryan's last blow before it reaches him, Alec comes to his senses and grabs her shoulders, spinning her around. Like lightning, his arms latch around her in a bear hug from behind, holding her arms to her sides so she could no longer hit him. Locking his muscles, he does not strike, but only prevents her from hitting him further. 

"Let her go, Alec."

Alec's eyes shoot up towards the door. Eli. He doesn't let go yet, with Ryan still struggling hard against him. "You come get her." 

Eli steps into the apartment, his eyes blazing with fire. He'd been standing there for several moments already and had seen enough to know what was going on. Why Alec had not fought back though, was a mystery to him. Approaching with long strides, he remains ready for anything, but doesn't want this fight to continue. Somebody would get very hurt, and even though he wanted to push Alec out the window and watch him fall, he knew that two wrongs would not make a right. 

Prying Ryan loose from Alec's grasp, he holds Ryan closely - tightly. "Calm down, Ryan," he soothes calmly, forcing himself not to use this opportunity to fight Alec himself. "Don't do this... please." 

Alec takes a step back, putting several feet between them. His eyes were dim... hollow. His hands were up, but only to protect himself, lest Ryan come at him again. But his shoulders were bent. His face the face of a man who had been beaten - on the inside.

Feeling Misty's hand on his back, Carson's muscles automatically relax - it never failed. Her touch was magic.

But no, everything was not okay. "Mm-hmm," he mumbles into the pillow.

Finally he rolls onto his back and squints up at her tiredly. He lifts a hand to run a finger down the side of her face lovingly. "You're beautiful, you know that?"

He sighs deeply and lets his hand drop. "I'm just tired I guess. Sorry." He'd said the same thing every night for a week now. Misty was bound to know something wasn't right. It was unusual for him to be this tired and distant for more than a day or two, tops. He'd always told her everything about what was bothering him. But... not this time. And he didn't want her asking either.

"How was your day?" He moves the subject along quickly to avoid questions.

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