

Eric hadn't expected the subject to turn to Ashley, but he was glad to know that Stacy still approved of him giving her daughter riding lessons. He really was looking forward to the girl's birthday so he could finally tell her. He'd noticed how Ashley had really become attached to the horse and he knew she had to be itching to learn how to ride.

He's about to comment, but stops as Stacy continues. And as she finishes about Ash respecting him, he suddenly finds his face turning just a bit hotter - and he's glad it's dark up here. Why he felt embarrassed, he wasn't sure. Maybe it was because he hadn't realized until now just what kind of role he'd begun to take on in Ashley's eyes. Or Stacy's, for that matter. She... apparently approved, though, of Eric being a male figure in her daughter's life. He thinks for a moment of the other men at the ranch, and it takes only a second or two to realize that Ashley didn't hang out with any of them. Not even Jeff - though his efforts had been obvious. Was Eric... really that important?

Realizing he hadn't said anything, his surprise and awkwardness suddenly surfaces as a light chuckle and he shakes his head sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I..." He looks at the floor, his fingers shredding a piece of hay. "You're welcome. I guess I just didn't, um..." His eyes weave their way back up to Stacy, though his body language made it obvious he felt undeserving of the thanks and, really, the compliment. "I didn't think what I was doing was that important I guess. I mean I understand, I just..."

He bites his lip. "...Maybe I always wanted a daughter."

As soon as he'd said it, his cheeks become ten times hotter. Finding the piece of hay in his hand very interesting, he stares at it intently, morbidly embarrassed. It wasn't that he was being dishonest about how he felt about Ashlee, but his words had implied much more than he'd intended about not only the relationship with the girl, but Stacy as well. All he could hope now was that he hadn't just offended Stacy with his comment.

"I... I'm sorry that... that didn't... come out right."

"What?" Hunter's confusion grows. He takes another bite of his sandwich, using it to give him time to gather his thoughts.

"Accident? There are accidents all the time, but if you're referring to that explosion, it was some dumb guy trying to hype up his engine and he didn't know what he was doing." He shrugs. "I was there. Right after a race."

He shakes his head, frustrated. "Look, is that why I'm here? Or are you guys just taking advantage of the opportunity that I was picked up last night?"

Finishing the first half of his sandwich, he smirks a little at Katie. "It wouldn't have been that hard to find me, and I would have been more than willing to answer any questions. I still am. But if that's what this is all about, for heaven's sake, release me from my original arrest charge, I'll pay my fine, and then you can ask me all the questions you want in a more comfortable room. Or lunch. Whichever is more fun for you."

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