
Hot chick

Behind bars. Hunter cringes a little. "How about taking me home with you instead?" He growls suggestively and gives her a crooked grin. "Nah. You're a cop that walks the straight and narrow and never has any fun at all, aren't you? You're all alike. Never tolerate anybody else's fun and never have any of your own. You totally spoiled my evening. I was just ready to teach an old friend a lesson when you showed up." He sighs. "The timing of you guys is always the worst."

Flopping back in the seat, he sinks down low and manages to curl his long legs up to set his motorcycle boots against the bars. "All I need is a couple cups of coffee." His rambling continues. "Then I'll be totally sober again. How about stopping for a cup and then you won't have to take me in at all? My treat." His feet drop back to the floor and he leans forward again, looking in the mirror. "Come on... live a little, eh? I promise to behave. I'm not ready for the night to end so quick, especially with a hot chick like you."

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