

Still eyeing Hunter Katie shakes her head and rolls her eyes at the same time. Why on earth was she doing this? Hunter was rediculace, a flirt, and....and...he made her laugh. It made Katie feel kind of good. Maybe thats why she wanted to have dinner with him.

   "No way, you can't pay. If you pay its a date and it can't be a date I have a boyfriend. I'll pay for me, you pay for you."

Katie waves her finger at him before turning back to her cart and pulling the bag of chips out and setting them in a random spot on the shelf. At the moment once again she see the same clerk go by. Letting her eyes get slightly big Kaite gives a wave to him before looking back to Hunter.

   "Guess I wont need those. I can go shopping tomorrow. And...since I wont let you pay, you pick where we eat that can be your make up. Make it someplace good too would ya."

Katie raises an eye brow at him before sticking out her toung. For a second she felt...a slight bit silly. Why she wan't sure maybe it was just the whole event of the night with the chips leading up to here and now. It was odd, but...it felt...good.

Sitting down with Eric Stacy continues to watch him. It was interesting what he was doing and though she had no idea what he was talking about it was still kind of cool to watch him work. He new what he was doing for sure and he was good at it.

   "Mmmm...You're really good at that. It's easy to tell you have been doing it for a while."

Stacy reaches out to Eric's hand that was holding the rope Stacy runs her fingers over Eric's for a moment and than on his palm between the rope. Feeling the caleses she new he had working hands that though he drove truck he did a lot around the ranch that had caused these and that meant he cared what happened.

   "It's funny how the texture of our hands can tell a whole story without us even knowing it, as long as someone takes the time to read."

Moving her hand away Stacy can feel her cheeks getting a little red. She couldn't believe she'd just done that. What had come over her to cause her to do that...Maybe it was the pain killers Angel had her on?

Shifting a little on the bale Stacy turns a little to point to the side of her head where is was black and blue with a few stitches. Nothing to bad, but it didn't look wonderful either. She gives a little laugh.

   "Just think I've taken down some bad people in my time and nothing to major happened. I get a fight with the ground and a tree and I get banged up. Sounds backwards huh?"

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