
False Hope and Faith

Sitting at home Katie sat on the couch bored out of his mind. She new Jason was out with his friends tonight and though he hadn't said Sandy was there but she had a feeling she was. But to save a fight she didn't say anything about it at all.

About to doze off Katie gives a little jump at her phone going off. Strange someone would be texting her this late. Maybe it was Jason? Part of Katie thought it would be nice if it was but it was doubtful. Pulling her phone out Katie was disappointed that it wasnt Jason but it did make her smile that it was Hunter.

   The lake...this time of night? Oh sure why not, Jas is out with his friends again so I might as well. Want me to meet you there?

Putting her boots on and finding they were the perfect fit Ashlee can't help but squeal a little more as she jumps up and heads for the door. She didn't want to wast anytime, there wasn't much time left before dinner and she wanted to get all she could in before than.

...Ashlee gives a nod to Eric as she puts her one foot into the stirrup. Trying to get up once it didn't work but Ashlee wouldn't give up, trying again she finally got it. Steadying herself Ashlee new she was nervous and wondered if Eric could see it but she was going to do this. 

  "Ok, I'm ready."

Hearing Jared's humor Grace can't help but give a little laugh as her cheeks turn slightly red but she didn't mind, and after all Jared was rather good looking. 

   "Ah...so its not going to be my charm and your will that helps you do this but my looks?"

Pulling a chair up to the bed and sitting down Grace was ready to get down to business and let Jared know what this would involve. It was not and would not be an easy road but in the end it would be worth it.

   "Well, we will start with stimulating your muscles, and nerves. Once we get those to the point where they are not still from not being used we will work on moving your legs, teaching you how to strand again. It will be long, it will be painful and I wont give you false hope if I don't think it will work. I'll be honest and upfront..but I need to know your going to give this your all and not give up. Can you do that for me?"

Grace cocks her head a little bit looking at Jared. She new God had a plan for everything, and his hand worked through everything so she had faith but still there was a difference between false hope and faith. She'd never let someone think they would be all better if they were not.

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