
Different Sides

Eric could feel even more heat rise to his face and his eyes remain downward. It wasn't easy for him to take a compliment - it was even harder coming from Stacy. 

Grinning a little, he curls his fingers in to give her hand a squeeze. "I'm not real sure what's so amazing."

Feeling strangely like a schoolboy, Eric lets go of her hand and turns back to his whip and twine. He knew for certain she could see his red face, and he really wishes he knew why his stomach was suddenly doing crazy things. 

Beginning to braid the twine again, he keeps himself busy. "I... I never asked... is it still okay if I teach Ashlee how to ride? I wasn't sure after.... well, you know... after everything."

Hunter chuckles and shakes his head, his eyes falling to the table for a moment before bouncing back up to Katie's face. "Eh... you know us guys... we got a reputation to keep up with." 

He grins then shrugs. "I dunno... I suppose there's some weird glamor in it all. I desert race. Lots happening... lots expected of a person. It all just... sorta happens."

For a brief moment, a look of almost-sadness crosses his face. Deep down there was a part of him who really didn't like this life at all. Getting drunk and arrested the other night... he might have laughed it off and acted like he was having a great time, but in reality... it really had been pretty lousy. And he did like racing... but all the attention and alcohol and partying... it was starting to leave a bad taste in his mouth whether he wanted to admit it or not. People thought he was a lot more than he really was. Even the girls. He never took one home, although he gave everyone the impression he did. Maybe he found it harder to play this role than he originally thought.

A new grin quickly forms. "Or, I'm just a guy with lots of different sides and I can pick and choose which side to show when I want. It keeps other people guessing and on their toes." 

Picking up a straw wrapper and balling it up between his fingers, he tosses it teasingly at Katie. "You, however, are hiding behind a weird wall of coolness that I can't quite figure out. Do you ever warm up, or is it just guys like me that turn you off?"

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