
Deep Down

Katie gives a little grin as she looks up at Hunter. It was strange she called him a friend but maybe its that softness in his eyes, and the concern he'd showed her that made her feel like she could be a friend. The act, being drunk, hitting on her...maybe he was like her and just searching for something he'd lost...searching for the peace of himself that was missing.

   "Eh, I can't handle both those things as you could tell. I don't know...maybe your just...not that bad after all.  I think your just hiding behind your masks but deep down...I think your a pretty ok guys who really does car."

Leaning back as the plate was put in front of her Katie could feel her stomach rumble. The steak and breaded butterfly shrimp smelled amazing and made her realize just how hungry she was tonight. It was definitely better than anything she would of gotten at the store thats for sure and probley a little more exspenceve but..thats ok.

Seeing Hunter raise his glass and make his toast Katie can't help but smile a little more raising her own and clinking it gently against his. That was a nice gesture on his part, and it gave Katie a little hope that there would be righter days to com...just one day at a time.

   "And to friendship...what helps us get through the crappy times...together."

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