

Carson remains standing behind the counter, just listening and not interrupting. It was obvious Katie needed to talk, so he let her, not caring how long it took. He pretty much knew all there was to know about her and Jason and how they'd lost their connection. That's where his knowledge ended though - anything that had happened after that was news to him. 

Leaning to rest his elbows on the counter, he turns his head to study Katie's face. What she was talking about really bothered her and he could see it. What he didn't expect was the question it all led up to. 

Lifting his eyebrows, it takes him a moment to respond. And when he does, a dry chuckle escapes. "Figured I was a good person to ask, ay?" He gives her a quick grin though, letting her know it was okay. Who else could she ask? And she felt badly enough the way it was, he wouldn't tease her.

Sighing, he shakes his head. "There's lots of things, I guess. Little things." He thinks about himself and all the times he'd tried to hide his actions. "Not being around like usual... going off without notice... forgetting things... lying... sometimes being moody." 

Growing just a little uncomfortable, he shifts his weight and scratches at a water stain on the counter with his thumbnail. Finally looking at Katie again, he purses his lips. "Jason never struck me as the kind of man to go cheating on you. But if you think he is, maybe you should ask him." He cocks his head. "Sounds like you've spent enough time with this Hunter guy that Jason could be having the same doubts about you. I know you're not cheating on Jason... but spending time alone with another fella probably isn't gonna solve things. It just makes you look guilty too." 

He shrugs. "Jason might just be having fun hanging out with his buddies. There's nothing wrong with that. If he was spending all that time with just Sandy, then I'd wonder but... I really don't know, Katie. Why don't you ask him about it?"

"I don't mind picking you up," Cindy assures. "I was thinking about going to Mom and Pop's, and I'd feel bad if I let you walk." 

Kaylee bounces a little in Trey's arm, murmuring incoherently while finding an interesting seam in his shirt to play with. 

"Or you could borrow my pickup," Con offers. He had a feeling Trey didn't like being dependent on others for rides, and didn't mind if he wanted to take his truck. He didn't trust Trey a hundred percent, but he was willing anyway. 

"No...no..." Jared shakes his head, not wanting the doctor, and not able to remember anything else - or not wanting to. 

Closing his eyes tight, he leans back in his pillow, trying to obey Grace and keep breathing, though it was difficult for a few moments until the panic begins to subside. His hands start to cramp from holding the sheets so tightly.

"I... it..." He swallows hard. Opening his eyes again he stares at Grace. "I didn't expect to... to remember that." He sucks in his breath, still trembling. It had happened so fast... the accident. But now he remembered the sheer terror that had shot through his veins as for that split second he had seen the oncoming vehicle. And the pain. His unconsciousness had been almost instantaneous, but there had been a moment of incredible pain. His fear had been like no other, and he had known he would surely die. 

Sweat trickles down the side of his face, but gradually his pulse begins to slow. His eyes focus on Grace again and he manages a pitiful little laugh. "I can't... I can't let go." He looks down at his hands, unable to uncurl his fingers.

Dylan smirks and rolls his eyes, taking the cue to take his turn. Setting down his red ball, he eyes the hole for a moment before putting. The ball shoots quickly across the green track, hitting the wall to zig-zag to the far end before bouncing lightly off the far wall and dropping neatly into the hole. 

Eric's mouth hangs open. "Are you kidding me?"

Dylan turns around and puts the club up across his shoulders. "What?"

"What do you mean what?" Eric quirks an eyebrow at him. "I thought you said you weren't any good at this."

"I never said that." The corner of Dylan's mouth upturns just slightly. 

"Uh-huh." Eric shake his head and looks over at Stacy. "I think we got a bluffer on our hands. You and I don't stand a chance now." 

Zach can't help his laugh and he shakes his head, finding Beth's reaction cute. "Yeah... yeah, I did mean it as a date I guess, so I'm glad you said yes." 

Grinning, he shrugs. "I don't know where to take you though." He laughs again. "You'll have to help me pick."

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