

Being sweeped up into Carson's arms Misty can't help but laugh a little as her arms go around his neck to hang on. Retuning the kiss and looking back into Carson's eyes Misty gives a smile leaning her head against him. His mood swings confused her but she continued to just keep moving on from them. Life sometimes had a funny way of making people like that sometimes and Misty could only hope it would pass quickly.

   "You get the plates and I'll finish putting everything into bowls and what not so we can sit and eat."

Turning to the counter and getting some serving bowls out Misty puts the mashpotatos into one, the beans into another and the rolls into one more bring them over and placing them onto the table. Grabbing two glasses she sets them down as well before looking to Carson.

   "What did you want to drink tonight? Beer, Milk, Juice or water?"

Feeling Tal's fingers tighten around her own again Ryan can feel her heart race. Was Tal really waking up, was he going to be ok. She didn't dare hope anymore but she couldn't help it, it was to late to stop it. Seeing his eye lids start to crack open Ryan stands so that Tal could see her better without having to move again. A smile spread across her face and small tears rolled down her cheek.

   "Just hold still Tal, you had an accident....give me a second I have to go get one of the Dr's I'll be right back, I promise."

Leaving the room Ryan goes to find a Dr letting them know what was going on. She wanted them to check Tal, make sure he was ok, look at everything she had to know he was going to make it. Tal was strong and Ryan new it...but she didn't want anything to backfire.

Taking a bit of her egg roll  Katie gives a nod to Jason. If he got time with Kaylee that would be fun for him and Katie wouldn't mind helping him with her. She enjoyed the little girls company and no matter what she always found a way to make her laugh.

About to say something Katie was cut off by the beeping of the phone as well. Just watching Jason she could feel something strange at his mention to it being Sandy and wanting to meet Kaylee as well. It was a feeling Katie had felt a few times before when Jason had said he was going to hang out with his friends. In a way...she felt left out. 

Looking down at her food and running her fork through her rice Katie doesn't look up again at Jason's next comment either. It almost felt like a slap to the face or a punch to the gut. Katie had always had Thursdays off for as long as she worked at TJY and now...Jason was forgetting that too?

   "Well, I'm pretty much caught up on all my work. I don't think Reese would have to much of a problem if I switch my day off for tomorrow with Friday. Than I can spend time with you guys too."

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