
Are you sure?

Eric chuckles softly, not surprised that Ashlee would find the thought of racing fun. Checking over the saddle, he nods with satisfaction. "Good job. You're getting to be a pretty good tack cleaner there, missy." He flicks her leg teasingly with his rag. 

Going to finish up what he was doing, then give Ashlee something else to do, he stops when he hears her invitation. She wanted... him... to go to her birthday dinner? Wasn't going into town something really special to her? He'd figured she'd just go with her mom and have some girl time. But... she'd invited him? Because... it would make Stacy happy?

He tries to control the heat in his face, but he isn't sure if it works or not. Was she really right? Would Stacy really want him there, or would he just be intruding? Was that little something he felt down deep, a hope that Ashlee really was correct? Even so, was it that Ashlee herself really wanted him along, or was it that she just thought Stacy would want him there? He couldn't tell.

Clearing his throat, he shifts a little on the bench and tips back his hat on his head. Giving Ashlee a smile, he nods. How could he say no to her anyway? He wondered if she asked for the moon, if he'd say yes. "I'd like joining you for your birthday dinner very much." He cocks his head. "You sure you want me along though? I know you ain't had your mom to yourself very much lately and I wouldn't feel left out."

"Hi, Stacy." Becky smiles as she wipes her hands on her apron. "Actually, yeah, if you want to go get the balloons from the hall closet, we could get started on some of those." Most of the guests had already started filtering out of the dining hall, so it was good timing. 

"I think I saw Luke out there at one of the tables - he could probably help." In reality, she knew he was having a tough time doing much this morning - it had been an accomplishment for him to be at breakfast today. Becky also knew if he could be given a task he could do while sitting down, it would help him feel useful. 

"The cake is just about done, then you could help me frost it if you like. I wasn't sure what you wanted to put on it."

"...So how's the whole recovery thing going?"

"Not too bad. Slow. I guess." 

Sandy smiles and bounces Kaylee on her knee as she sits with Jason at the picnic table, waiting for Katie to meet them at the park. "Sounds like that's normal though, right?"

Jason grins a little. "What part of any of this is normal?" 

Sandy thinks for a moment then laughs. "Okay, so the whole emotions, telepathy, super-power thing isn't exactly something I hear about every day. But your doctor said it would be slow, right?" 

"Yeah." Jason hadn't thought he would tell Sandy about him and Katie... but it had just sorta happened while they'd been sitting here this morning. Sandy noticed he hadn't been quite with it, so he'd started to give them a brief explanation, which had wound up being a full story about his and Katie's connection. Sandy seemed to accept it in stride. Which was strange, really. Most people would think he was nuts. Then again, Sandy seemed quite open to most anything being possible since God is ultimately in control, and she'd heard of strange connections before - nothing like Jason and Katie but enough that Sandy didn't think he was crazy or lying. And... it did make Jason... feel good. 

Kaylee squeals and giggles, being bounced around on Sandy's knee, bringing Jason's concentration back around again for a new grin. "You silly goose. You'll laugh at anything." 

Kaylee giggles again, scrunching up her nose at her big brother. "Jaysh!" 

"Uh-huh. You're a ham."

"Ham ham!"

Jason rolls his eyes. "You get it all from your father, 'cause I was never like this."

"I bet you were," Sandy teases. 

"Okay maybe Mom has a few stories. But I've sworn her to secrecy." 

Sandy laughs. "I suppose you've outgrown most of your quirks if she trusts you with this bundle of joy for the day." 

Jason grins again. It was the first time he'd been left in charge of Kaylee, and he was having more fun than he'd thought. 

Kaylee settles down a little bit, her eyes roaming the park. Her hair had started to come loose from her pigtails and the wind was making it stand almost straight up in places. Looking to the parking lot and seeing a new car pull up, she points. "Kate? Kate?" 

Jason follows her finger and nods. "It sure does look like Katie." They'd been talking about Katie since they'd arrived, so it wasn't unusual for Kaylee to put two and two together that they were waiting for her. "Do you even remember her?" 

Kaylee slides down off Sandy's lap and drapes her arms over Jason's knee. "Ya, ya." 

"I bet." Jason runs his hand over her hair. "I'm glad she's here before you wear out us two."

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