

Sitting in the waiting room Ryan felt so rest less, the minutes felt like hours, and the seconds felt like days. Waiting for the news on if Tal was going to be ok or not could not come soon enough and she felt so alone. The last time Ryan had felt like this had been when they had all waited to see if there father would make it or not. It hurt, a lot and if Tal didn't make it...Ryan didn't know. That alone put tears in her eyes.

Standing once more Ryan walks over to one of the windows and leans against the wall resting her head on the cool surface. If this was Alec than it was her fault. Alec did this because of her and a anger burned inside but a sadness too. This was the second time...If she stayed with Tal would it continue? It was something Ryan didn't want to think about right now but the question lingered anyways.

Moving away from the wall and glancing down the hall Ryan goes to the chair once again and sits down. She couldn't sit still, she couldn't think...she just wanted to this be over and Tal to be ok. He didn't deserve this at all.

Looking at her brother as he sat down next to her Ryan was happy he was back. She didn't want to be alone, but she understood he needed to do something. Now it was just nice he was back with her.

   "No, nothing yet. I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing Eli. Did you get to talk to someone at TJY?"

Giving a nod Stacy new she could trust Eric not to say anything to Ashlee. As they start up again Stacy keeps her hand locked with Eric's and leans against him slightly. The right back was a nice one though she was a little sore.

Back at the ranch and looking around Stacy could tell she worked to much when the first thing she thought about was doing her rounds. Eric's suggestion though was a smart one and than letting Ashlee know she was ok was the next.

Though there was something strange that seemed to loom in the goodbye for the night she wasn't sure what it was. Knowing Eric wasn't upset with her anymore helped but there was something else though she couldn't put her finger on it.

   "Thanks Eric for coming to look for me. If you happen to see Ash just let her know I went to see Angel. I'll....see you again soon ok?"

It was now in the light of the moon that Stacy saw how good Eric looked tonight. There was something about his tough dimeanure that just did it for him. There was no denying he was good looking indeed.

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