

Watching Tal as he talked, moved, walked and sat down she could tell Tal was far from ok. He was injored pretty bad and he needed medical attachen and Ryan new it.

Following Tal into the living room Ryan sits down on the table in front of Tal. Her heart raced and her anger rawred for whoever had done this to Tal. He was one of the nicest, sweetest people in the world who wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Tal your not ok. You can hardly sit without being in pain. Not to mention a bunch of the gashes on your face are going to need stitches or your going to have scars. Not to mention the stuff we can't see. I just want to take you some where to get looked at..."

Hearing Tal once again mention someone had broken in Ryan takes a quick look around the room. It didn't look like anything was disturbed or stolen. So why would someone break in, beat up Tal and not take anything. A sicking feeling hit's Ryan's gut as she squints a little. She hopped she was wrong.

"Who was it that broken in Tal? You had to have known his voice, or at least from what he said he wanted? How would ever want to hurt you? That makes no sense. Tal you need to tell me who it was!!!"

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