
Unknown History

Dylan stops short, almost being run into. He shake his head at Ashlee's apology though. "Not your fault. I'm in my own little world at least half the time if not more." A look of wry humor passes in his eyes... eyes that were far clearer this morning than than they had been... eyes that no longer told of secrets... eyes that no longer hid behind a glaze of a self-inflicted prison.

He slips his hands into his jeans pockets and shrugs. "I'm feeling okay. Kinda woozy but I couldn't stand being cooped up inside any longer. I guess I..." He shrugs again. "Guess I wanted to find out how many people hate me now."

Though it hurt a little, Tal willingly returns Ryan's kiss, glad to know that she didn't want to pay attention to the threats either.

"Eh... it shouldn't be surprising. Somebody like him who would stoop low enough to leave you in the first place..." He coughs, wincing as he does. "That alone... leaving you... proves he was stupid to begin with."

Though his face is still red, Rocky laughs. "Thanks for trying to make me feel better. I still made a fool out of myself though."

Keeping his humor intact though, he crunches down on a potato chip, grinning. "Then it's a date. What night works best?"

After watching the news for an hour, Jared was confused enough about world events to change the channel and wound up finding an old comedy that was at least funny enough to make him crack half a smile. It didn't keep his weariness away though, and that, together with all of the pain medication he was on, finally prompted his eyes to close.

No sooner had he dozed off though, that a sound at the door roused him. Slowly turning his head, he spies his mother... and Justin? After that first visit by his brother, he hadn't come back, and Jared had wondered if he even would. Lydia came every day. But not Justin.

"Hello, Jared." Lydia smiles big and comes to sit by the bed. "How do you feel today?"

Jared grins. "Like I got hit by a bus. But better I think."

Lydia chuckles. "Always the humor. That is a good thing."

Conversation was kept very light and was mostly led by Lydia. Though Justin pulled up a chair too, he remained mainly quiet, observing more than interacting. He hadn't really wanted to come today. But his mother had asked him... and he knew he couldn't just ignore this whole thing, especially after he'd already been here once. And maybe... deep down... part of him was curious as to what would happen if he did interact with Jared a bit more.

It wasn't long before Lydia decided it was time to go, although she tells Justin that she wanted to stop and talk to some of the nurses, so he could stay a few more minutes. Once she leaves the room though, the silence brings even more awkwardness than there had been already. Both brothers find their eyes locked in a strange tense gaze. Finally, it's Jared that speaks. "We didn't get along, did we?"

Justin drops his sights for a moment. "Why would you say that?"

Jared shrugs. "Maybe the awkward pauses... or the way Mom doesn't talk about the two of us much... or how you avoid coming here."

Justin looks back up at him and purses his lips. As hard as it was, he knew the truth should be spoken. "No... we didn't get along. As a matter of fact, since being adults, we hardly spoke to each other."

"I see." Jared nods slowly, not really sure how to digest that. "What... I mean, why?"

Justin almost laughs. He'd like to tell Jared just the reasons. How he was a jerk. How he lived a life to be ashamed of. "I guess... we went our separate ways."

"It's more than that." Though calm, it was obvious Jared was somewhat frustrated. "What happened between us?"

"Look, it really isn't worth digging up."

"It is to me... Please."

Justin sighs. This was just so uncomfortable for him. "If I rehash the past, it's only my perspective - it would be an unbalanced story because you can't tell your side of things."

Jared swallows hard. He was almost afraid. "Sometimes there's a right and wrong behind opinion... I was wrong... wasn't I?"

Justin's brow furrows as he leans on the back of the chair he straddled backwards. How could he say it? How could he tell this clueless man what kind of life he'd lived? The lies he'd told? The grudges he'd held? The manipulation he'd learned all too well? It didn't seem fair anymore since Jared was innocently ignorant.

Unable to think of any good way to explain things, Justin stands up. "I think we best just let this subject lie."

"Not again." Jared's eyes beg him. "Please... just talk to me. I've obviously done something wrong and I'm sorry I can't remember so I can apologize for whatever it was. But if you tell me, I can."

Justin returns the chair to its place and shakes his head. "Saying you're sorry now isn't going to change or fix anything. If you can't remember, there isn't a point." He turns towards the door. "I gotta go."

"Justin, wait!" Jared raises his voice. "Talk to me!"

Justin keeps on going. "I'll see you soon," he responds calmly.

Jared growls loudly but it does no good as he watches his brother walk away. For the first time since waking up, he tasted what must be his temper. Perhaps it was good that he was immobile, but it only added to his frustration.

"Hey, handsome." The nurse walks in with a cheery smile. "Ready for supper?"

"Go stick a sock in it," Jared grumbles.

The nurse stops and quirks an eyebrow. "Forget I said handsome. What's wrong now?"

"I'm a jerk, that's what's wrong." Jared toys with the edge of the bed sheet. "Or at least that's what I think. Or something."

The nurse cocks her head and approaches a little more slowly. "You look more blue than mad."

"I suppose."

"Well, out with it."

"How can I get out with it when I don't even know what I did?!"

The nurse fluffs up his pillow before setting her hands on her hips. "You're not making any sense."

Jared rolls his eyes. "Thanks for that information."

"Why are you so upset? Was it a visitor you had?"

"Yeah... my brother."

"So what's so wrong with that?"

"Apparently I did something to him but I don't remember what and now he hates me. He doesn't want to admit it though so he keeps coming like everything is fine but he won't talk about it. So I'm stuck in the dark and can't even chase the coward out of here 'cause I can't walk."

The nurse smiles and pats his arm. "Better to be stuck here than arrested for assault."

Jared smirks. He wanted to stay mad, but it was hard when the cute little nurse was grinning at him like that. "Yeah, I suppose. But you better stay and help feed me my supper or I'll lie here and pout."

It was the nurse's turn to smirk. "Last I knew, you had one good arm and that's all it takes to shove jello into your mouth."

A little smile finally quirks Jared's mouth. "You could hold my other hand."

"Oh, psh." She gives the same arm a whack that she'd just patted. "I'll be back with your supper shortly."

Watching her leave, Jared sighs. Maybe being ignorant really was best at this point. At least he couldn't stew about what he didn't know.

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