

"I didn't mean to imply your friend would lie or try to harm himself," Reese quickly explains. "I'm just saying that it's obvious he was mistaken. Alec didn't leave his apartment last night. Perhaps the attacker was someone who you don't even know. Someone who has admired you and thinks you don't have a right to be with anyone else. It's sick, but it happens."

Reese shakes his head. "That's all I can say unless there's more proof, I'm sorry." He could see how upset both siblings where, but there was nothing he could do. His hands were tied as far as Alec was concerned if there was no proof. He felt badly though, wishing he could give them more than this. "There won't be any medical bills for you bringing your friend here, even if Rick wants him to stay or come back for follow-up. That much we can do."

Eli shakes his head in disgust. He was glad for that, especially if Reese felt there was no connection to TJY at all. But it didn't seem to matter. Something was wrong here. He could feel it in his bones. "If I find my proof, you better hope there's something left of Alec for you to actually content with."

"If you find proof, whatever is left of him will be going straight behind bars for severely stepping over the line."

If only. Eli looks to his sister again. Was there anything else they could do here?

Pete looks up at Trey, surprised at the request. Abandoning his computer work, he studies the young man's eyes, wondering at the strange look he saw. There was something going on. Something unsaid. Something between Trey and Alec - which was odd in itself since Alec hadn't been around here lately.

Silent for several moments, Pete turns and picks up his phone. "Susanne? Yeah, I'm stepping out for a few minutes. I'll be back shortly."

After hanging up, he stands, grabbing his car keys. "Well, I don't know what time Alec will be back after working, but we can at least go check it out." Exiting his cubicle, he heads for the door. Questions burned inside of him. His gut warned him to ask Trey more. What if something really was wrong here? What if there was something they should know about? But he swallows the urge to ask. If there ever was a time he wanted to show Trey he was willing to trust him, it was now. To break that would be to break everything he'd worked so hard at the last few days with gaining back Trey's friendship.

Tal moves his face around a little, feeling the tightness of the stitches. He knew as soon as the numbness wore off, it would be hurting pretty badly again. He gives Misty a small nod. "Okay... thanks... for helping."

It took just a few minutes for Rick to take several x-rays, and a few more minutes for him to see the results as Tal laid back down on the table, still on his side.

"A couple ribs are broken..." Rick points to the x-ray, showing Misty. "I was more worried about his back, but it looks like his spine is okay. He's just got some very deep bruising there. Looks like it's all above his kidneys though, so that's good."

Trying to listen, Tal has a hard time not drifting off. He was utterly exhausted. The next thing he knew though was incredible pain in his back and he stifles a groan.

"Easy does it," Rick comforts as he applies liniment to Tal's back. "This is just to help with the bruising and swelling."

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