

Hearing his phone go off Dan sits up from bed. He wasn't sleeping only watching a little tv and just relaxing. He'd been on the verge of drifting off though. The message came just in time before he was fully out.

Reading Dylan's message Dan can feel his pulse start to race. Something was wrong he could feel it. Dylan's text was all to alarming. Hitting the reply button and letting his fingers fly Dan only hopes to talk Dylan out of anything dumb he might have been playing.

New Text Message

To: Dylan
From: Dan

You have people who love you, enjoy your company, and
would give anything to have you home.

Dylan...let me come get you plz?


Sending the message and leaning back against the wall Dan closes his eyes and says a quick prayer. Dylan was like a little brother to him and he'd never want anything bad to happen to him. He just wanted God to keep him safe.

Making her normal rounds Stacy walks slowly as she nears the bunk houses. She always did her best to walk a little slower, and a little more quiet when she was in this area. Tonight it seemed extra peaceful out and Stacy enjoyed it. Sometimes she wished the ranch was just a little bit bigger so she could walk longer. But than reality set and she was thankful it wasn't too.

Rounding the corner moment on one of the porches caught her eye. Taking a quick moment to let her eyes adjust to who it was. Finally being able to make it out a smile comes to her lips. It was funny how when she saw Eric a smile just seemed to make it's way to her face. There was just something about him. Maybe it's how good he was with Ash, or how nice he was in general.

"You know we really have to stop meeting like this."

Coming closer Stacy was still smiling as she studied Eric for a long moment. She wondered if his odd sleeping habits were due to him driving truck at one time. Whatever it was, it was nice once and a while to know someone took later hours just like she did.

"It's a nice night out today. Clear, crisp, and just peaceful. Couldn't sleep?"

Beth gives a smile to Zach and shakes her head a little bit. His list on stuff he liked to do was a little longer than hers. She was still learned what she liked and what she didn't. Zach seemed like he liked to do a little of everything so that would make it easy to find stuff to do.

"Nah, your not shallow since I was the one who asked about it."

Leaning back in the chair a little bit Beth looks around the dinner for a long moment. Looking back to Zach again she gives a smile. She'd like to start doing things she normally didn't do. Get a few hobbies and just have a little fun. She wondered if Zach could help with this.

"You think the shelter is still looking for volunteers?"

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