

Looking up front the fence once more Dan looks across the field for Dylan. If he was ever late it was never this long and Dan starts to worry. Calming his own nerves he tries to reason. Maybe Dylan had just forgotten about helping with the fence today and was cleaning stalls. Dan new he wouldn't feel better till he new for sure.

Making his way across the pasture and to the barn he enters looking around for a few moments. Not seeing Dylan and asking a few of the hand but getting no luck Dan's gut twisted. Now leaving the barn Dan goes to Dylan's bunk and gives a knock on the door. Getting no answer he knocks again, nothing, once more.

"Dylan if your in there I am coming in."

Checking the door and finding it unlocked Dan enters the bunk house and looks around before spotting Dylan on the floor by the wall. Rushing over to him and dropping down on the floor Dan could feel his heart race. A million and one things could be wrong right now and for the first time in a while he was petrified. He didn't want to see anything happen to Dylan he new it would crush his family.

"Dylan...Dylan can you hear me? Whats going on?"

Dan checked Dylan's pulse and breaths a sigh of re leaf when he found it. He wasn't dead, and it didn't look like he had, had an OD. It looked more like a withdraw. Taking a handkerchief from his pocket Dan whipes a little bit of the sweat from Dylan's face. He new Mick had to know about this but he had to give Dylan a chance to tell him himself, or at least ask for him to get Mick. If not than he would go on his own.

"Do you want me to go get Mick?"

Looking up as Pete knocks and enters Trey stands. He was ready as he's ever be. His hair was still damp from his shower, he was cleaned up a bit, had a nice white layered button up shirt on and a good pare of jeans, a bit of colon splashed on too.

"I think I am as ready as I am gonna get. Let party it up."

Turning around and grabbing his jean jacket along with a bag he took extra care of carrying Trey joins Pete at the door. Early this morning he'd left to go to the store and a few other places to returned. Seeing Ariel tonight made him a little worried but he did his best to fill himself with confidence anyways.

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