
Mr Doe

Officer Charles never breaks his eye contact with Cindy. He could see the pain, the anger that was deep inside her. His own heart ached for her, he wish there was something more he could do. He wanted to be there if she needed anyone, but there was not way to say it. Hearing her words and feeling there coldness was like a sting that could not compare and for a moment he wished he wasn't the one who had come.

Once Cindy steps back inside and closes the door he just stands there for a long moment looking at the closed door. Finally letting out the breath he had held in. Why couldn't he have said more, there was no training for this. This was a pain even the military couldn't train them to block out.

Finally backing up himself he sets the bag down by the door. He new Cindy would find it when she was ready. Inside were some clothing, letters from Cindy that had been printed and saved. A picture of her and Kaylee and a few other things as well.

Turning he heads back down the steps and to the jeep. Just sitting there for a long moment he prayed Cindy would be ok. He's spend a little time in town before heading back home. Home, his apartment was all he had to go home to. Empty, and alone...maybe he's hang around in town for a little while here.

Getting to his truck he takes one more look at the house. It hurt losing a friend, he could only imagine how it much feel for Cindy. He'd keep hope though that Wes would be ok and after his own wounds healed he would continue to look for him too.

Laying in a bed still, silently very very far away was a man wrapped in bandages. The Dr enters his room reads his chars, checks the mesheans in the room and lets out a long sigh. Just looking at the pashent without moving he wonders if this man will ever wake from the darkness that held him.

In a way he wished he would because he new he must have a family out there somewhere, a family who would want to hear about how much of a hero he was, and how he saved a young boys life. But on that same hand he was happy he was still in the coma so his wounds could heal.


Dr Armstrong gives a jump and turns around looking at the nurse that had just come into the room.

"Yes nurse?"

"Is there any change Sir with Mr. Doe?"

"I'm afraid not yet. He's more stable now than he was yesterday but he's still in the coma."

The nurse gives a nod before leaving the Dr following soon after leaving the man to continue sleeping in peace. Would he wake at all? One could up. Would he remember anything, it was doubtful but one step at a time was that was thought of.

Once the brain freeze was gone Beth slowly opens her eyes to look at Zach again. A stilly look crossed her lips as she took another bit of ice cream completely forgetting about the brain freeze. The ice cream was just to good.

"A picnic sure does sound nice!"

Finishing off her ice cream Beth licks her fingers one at a time making sure she got everything. Watching Zach swing back and forth Beth gives a laugh at his comment about knocking himself out. She couldn't help the silly mental image she got in her head of him on the swing.

Moving up on the slide a little bit Beth lets her feet up and than slides back down. Giving a little laugh it tickled her stomach a little bit. It had been a long time she she had done that.

"When Sarah was really little my mom took us to a part once. I remember she put Sarah in once of those baby swings. I wanted to try so I got in one too. Getting in was the easy part but I got stuck on the way out. She had to call dad at work to come and help me. Sarah sat and laughed and laughed having no idea what was going on but thinking it funny anyways."

Leaning back on the slide and looking up at the sky Beth folds her hands over her stomach a smile on her face as she remembered the good memorie. It had one that seemed to be lost in the pain but today Zach had helped her remember and it felt good.

Letting out a sigh and just watching Dylan as he got into the truck Dan studied him for a long moment. It was like it was before all over again, and it made Dan sad. The only good thing was at least Dylan didn't have to do it alone and this time he was choosing to come back to the ranch.

Finally getting into the truck himself he starts it up and heads back out of town. Coming across the burger joint he pulls up to the drive through. He wouldn't force Dylan in they could sit in the truck instead.

"I'd like 4 four double cheese burgers, two large fries and two cokes."

"Would you like....apple pies...that?"

"No thank you."

"Thirteen Fifty please drive around."

Driving around, paying and getting the food the smell seemed to invade the truck. It smelled so good to Dan he could feel his stomach crunch once again. Finding a nice parking spot tucked away a little bit he take out two of the burgers, and one of the frys before handing the bag to Dylan. Even if he eat one of the cheese burgers and a few frys he would be happy. Dylan looks to sickly to him.

"If you don't eat anything Jade will smack me over the head for starving you. So I at least had to get you something. Not to mention the stuff did look really good."

Taking a bit of the burger after he unwrapped the paper Dan makes a soft moan in his throat. It really did tast good. He liked the ranch food it was some of the best but there was just something about a fast food burger that was just as good sometimes. Taking a sip of the soda Dan finally looks to Dylan again giving a small smile. He wanted to ask how he was doing but one look could answer that so Dan tried to come up with something else.

"I really am happy you called Dylan. I know a few other people who are gonna be happy your back too. I didn't tell anyone before i left through. I wasn't sure how public you wanted to make it right away."

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