

Mick wanders the barn, finishing up a few last-minute things. Supper would be on very soon and he wanted an evening at home with Rosetta and BJ so he was trying to get everything done he needed to. The sun had just slipped below the horizon and the sky was growing dim.

Taking one final look around, Mick decides he'd have to be satisfied with that, and he heads outside. He's barely cleared the door though, when his cell phone rings. Taking it off his belt, he glances at screen. Jill. He sighs. It had been two weeks since he'd talked to her last and he'd been ripped up one side and down the other for "losing" Dylan. He'd somehow convinced her to just sit tight for a while, telling her he thought Dylan would be back... even though, at the time, he'd had pretty strong doubts... which had just grown stronger with each day that passed.

Still staring at his phone, he knows he needs to answer it. Taking a deep breath, he finally flips open the phone. "Hello..."

Dan's voice and the slight shake to the shoulder rouses Dylan from his sleep. Opening his eyes, he looks around groggily for a moment. He'd fallen asleep almost as soon as they'd started driving and had not woken up once. It was as if his body had finally forced him to rest.

Shifting around he sits up and unbuckles the seatbelt. Blinking a few times and yawning, he finally gets his bearings. Rubbing his eyes with his palm he finally looks over at Dan. "Thanks," he manages hoarsely. He owed Dan... a lot. Somehow he'd figure that one out later. For now, he needed to face reality.

Sighing deeply, he looks out the window and sees Mick nearby in what light was left of the evening. "Here goes nothing," he mumbles. Grabbing his backpack, he exits the pickup.

"Look, I'm sorry!" Mick raises his voice as his free hand flies into the air, the other one busy holding his cell phone to his ear. Pacing in front of the barn, he growls in frustration. "No, I didn't.... Would you... Jill, there was nothing I could do! How many times do I have to tell you that?!"

Leaning his forearm on the barn door, he stares at the ground, listening to his ex-wife yell at him. Finding out Dylan was still missing, Jill was hysterical. "I know he's in danger - did you think I'd forgotten?! ... Of course I love him! How could you ask me something like that?? He's my son! But you... you don't... Listen to me!" By now, he didn't care who heard him shouting. Thankfully, most everyone had already gathered in the dining hall for supper. "Dylan made a choice. I cannot keep him here under lock and key. If he gets in trouble or gets hurt, it was because he made that decision, not me. I have done all I can. ... No, I will not... No!"

His fist meets the barn wall. "If you think you need to call the police, then that's between you and Ben. I will not." He pauses again, and shakes his head at Jill's argument. "I'm sorry you don't understand. How dare you accuse me of not caring! I would give my life for Dylan in an instant." Mick was ready to hang up on the call, whether Jill was still speaking or not. "Alright, fine. If you want to blame me, go right ahead. I guess I don't care. But the truth of the matter is, I did all I could do. I may be a lousy father but I did the best I knew how. And if that's not good enough for you, I'm sorry. Maybe you should have kept a closer eye on Dylan while you had him."

The last sentence hadn't been needed. It was downright mean, and Mick bit his tongue as soon as he'd said it. But he was tired of taking the entire blame. Sighing, he tips his hat back to rub his forehead wearily. Whether he was still married to Jill or not, hearing her cry didn't feel good. "I'm sorry. But you gotta understand there are things that have happened that were out of our control. This is one of them... Whether we like it or not, our son is no longer a little boy." His tone was firm. "Dylan is a man in more ways than either of us have cared to admit and it's about time we recognized it. I won't treat him like a child."

Nearby movement finally catches his eye and he glances over his shoulder. A bolt of shock shoots through his veins. Without even thinking, he instantly flips shut his phone, hanging up on Jill. He blinks, making sure he wasn't imagining things. Too stunned yet to decide how to react, he simply stares. His eyes flit over to Dan's nearby truck then back to his son. "Dylan..."

Dylan shifts his backpack on his shoulder and shrugs.

Mick could feel his emotions building and his pulse races. Then he remembers his phone call. "How... long have you been standing there?"

Dylan's eyes narrow slightly as he studies Mick's face. "Long enough." In truth, he'd been there since Mick's 'Of course I love him!' which had made him stay put without announcing his arrival.

Mick's eyes glisten. His son looked like he'd been through the wringer - pale and weary with dark circles under his eyes. Where had he been? Slipping his phone back onto his belt, he takes a step to close the gap between him and Dylan. Reaching out he sets his hands on Dylan's shoulders and stares him in the eye. "Are you okay?" That was his one greatest concern.

Dylan swallows hard. While he stood tall and defiant, deep down there was a little boy who wanted to crawl onto his daddy's lap and cry. And there was also the knowledge that no, he was not okay and it was going to get worse before better. "Yeah. I'm fine." His father would find out soon enough for himself.

A pause follows. Mick had no idea what to say. He had no idea why Dylan was back. He had no idea what had transpired while he'd been gone. But one thing was certain: he was relieved beyond words to see his son standing here again. Pulling him close, he wraps his arms around him and just hugs him tightly.

Dylan was a bit surprised by the embrace, but doesn't pull away. It was confusing. Awkward. It felt wrong. It felt right. He didn't know.

Finally drawing back, Mick gives his son some space. "Why? Why did you come back?"

Another shrug. "I guess you can thank Dan for that."

Mick furrows his brow, confused. Dan had gone after Dylan that day and come back without him. How could he be responsible?

Dylan reads his confusion. "Just 'cause I didn't let him bring me back when I left doesn't mean I wasn't listening." He pauses. "And it... doesn't mean he didn't keep trying to finally get through to me."

What was it Dan had said that was more convincing than anything Mick had said? It hurt...in a humbling sort of way. But he was too relieved to dwell on that. "Where have you been?"

"Around." That was very far from the whole story but Dylan wasn't ready yet to share details. The truth would come out in its own time.

Mick treads lightly. "Are you planning on sticking around?" It was a question asked - not a requirement. It was Dylan's choice and he would respect it. And his tone said as much.

"I suppose." Dylan wasn't sure how to act with his dad - after hearing the phone conversation, and now being allowed to go or stay. "If... that's okay with you."

Mick cocks his head, resisting the urge for another hug. "I would like nothing more."

"Still got my stuff in the bunk?"

"Yeah... yeah nothing's been touched."

"Okay. Well... I'll, um... I guess I'll go put my stuff away. I'm... I'm pretty tired."

"Oh...okay." Mick watches numbly as Dylan heads towards the bunkhouses. Maybe he'd get a chance to talk to his son more later on. He could hope. Covering his face with his hands for a moment, he takes a deep breath. Then gazing towards the sky, he thanks God for bringing back his son. To him, it was a miracle. And he would not take his son's presence for granted again.

In the dining hall where everyone else was starting to eat, Jade stands on the porch at the door, having seen Dan drive up. She'd planned to go ahead with supper since she didn't know when he'd be back, but once she'd seen him, she'd opted to wait.

But it wasn't just Dan she saw exit the truck. Seeing her brother as well sent a chill down her spine and her hands go to her mouth in shock. All she wanted to do was run over to him and hug him and make sure he was okay. But as the tears glisten in her eyes, she knows she mustn't. She saw him head for the barn where Mick was and she knows that she would have to wait.

Swallowing her urge to respond to her emotions, she remains on the porch, continuing to wait for Dan - now with a thousand questions.

"Psh. Calories don't count in meals that are fun," Zach retorts playfully.

Falling into step beside Beth, he walks with her at a leisurely pace. The funny thing was that the quiet wasn't awkward. There was no need to fill the silence. It was just... nice.

The trail wasn't too long - it just wound around the park and back again. When they reach the cars though, Zach was just a little disappointed. He knew they needed to part, though. He didn't want to wear out his welcome, and he knew the good time had to end for now.

Pulling out his keys, he sighs with content and stops, turning to Beth. "Well... I don't know about you, but I have thoroughly enjoyed my day, thanks to you. I'm... hoping we can get together again sometime?"

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