

Carson returns Misty's kiss and grins. "Thanks for waiting - this has been one ridiculous day."

He reaches to the cupboard to retrieve some glasses before getting some ice as well.

In the living room, Con stands and returns Jamie's glance. He gives a little shrug. He had no idea why Carson was acting so odd, but he figured it would be best just to try and enjoy the evening now that they could proceed with supper. Putting his arm around Jamie's shoulders, he walks with her to the dining room table.

The evening seems to go well and the atmosphere is rather pleasant, despite the late start. Carson and Con get to laughing at the dinner table over something, winding up in soda pop needing to be cleaned up after the laughter with a mouthful didn't work so well.

Once dinner was over and the four were just sitting around chatting, a few yawns start, but it was rather early to call it a night yet.

"Okay, who wants to play some cards?" Carson raises his hand.

Con looks at Jamie, hoping she didn't want to go home yet. "I'm in, if my wife will let me," he teases.

Axel grins and kisses Jess' nose. "Thanks... for being patient with me. I couldn't ask for anything more."

Dancing slowly for a few more minutes in silence, Axel finally comes to a stop and takes Jess' hand to lead her to the living room. Easing down on the couch, he puts his arm around her shoulders, holding her close.

"I'm sorry, Jess... I haven't been fair to you lately."

Sighing, he thinks a little bit more. "When Liz was here... you know she spent the night. And um... she caught me sleep walking. Not a surprise - I still do it all the time. But she caught me going outside right through my little alarm system."

It didn't seem like much. Someone who didn't know his background wouldn't understand. But to Axel... it was an extremely important detail. He swallows hard. He doesn't realize his fingers were lightly rubbing Jess' shoulder with nervousness.

"Back when... that day I was arrested. I had a similar alarm rigged. Remember I told you that I finally realized I was innocent because the alarm was still intact? That I couldn't have gone out without knowing it?"

He shrugs lamely. "When Liz caught me there... that blew my whole theory. I could have left that night. I could have done what they all said. I could have come back and reset my alarm without even knowing it."

He bites his lip, feeling again the desperation. "I want to believe I'm innocent, Jess... but I still can't prove it, even to myself."

Pausing at the TJY door, Pete cocks his head, listening to Trey. He wanted to smile, but he refrains. He really was surprised, though. In just one evening, Trey had made a big step. What had Ariel done last night? He wondered.

Crossing his arms, Pete thinks for several moments. "Well... I can certainly try. I haven't known Ariel to hang out anywhere but he beach parties since they tend to be calmer but... maybe I can think of something to convince her to come."

He finally grins. "I'll figure out how to get here there and you can figure out what to say. But take my advice... honesty is always best and knowing Ariel, that's all she'd want."

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