

"Okay..." Eric presents a couple large combs. "Come on."

Returning to Remington, he gives the horse a whack on the neck to stop chewing on the hitching pole. "Cut it out. You're not that bored."

Remington turns and looks at him with annoyance but obeys, standing still.

Eric grabs a bucket and turns it upside down, then has Ashlee step up on it so she's higher near the tall horse's neck. "Alrighty... see, since the mane is so course, it tangles pretty easy and so it can be hard to get it straightened out." He points to the baby oil. "That's why we have that."

Taking a moment, he shows Ashlee how to apply a little bit of oil near the neck and work it through with her fingers, untangling the mane until using the comb last. Any excess hair is tossed on the ground to be blown away in the breeze.

"So... once you've got his whole mane so you can just run a comb through it, you can braid it if you like." He shrugs. "I can teach you sometime some different ways to do it, but for today just do whatever you want. You can use those little rubber bands for that. I guess there might be more than rubber bands in there, but you get the idea." He pats Remington's back. "Now you behave." Moving to the hindquarters he nods at Ashlee. "While you do that, I'm gonna work on his tail the same way." He stands to the side, trusting the horse, but having the good habit of not standing in the direct firing line of Remington's hind hooves.

Seeing Beth blush only serves to widen Zach's grin. He pats his uncle's knee. "Well, I think we're going to go out to lunch. I'll come by and see you again soon, okay?"

Harry nods slowly. "Karen."

Zach's smile fades a little and he nods. "I'll tell her hi for you."

Harry nods again then resumes his stare out the window.

Standing up, Zach just watches his uncle for a moment, then sighs, forcing himself to turn from the scene. His stomach growls and he laughs. "I guess maybe we really should go to lunch before this monster gets loose."

"No, I haven't! I've been stung, attacked by birds, caught in a cloud burst, bombarded by a swarm of mosquitoes, threatened by a bear and almost run down by crazy dirt bikers! It's fate, I tell you!" Gunner throws his arms in the air. "I'm doomed!"

JT stares back at him with a mildly amused expression. "I have to admit you've had pretty bad luck the last couple days."

"Luck? Luck??!! It's a conspiracy!"

That makes JT laugh and he shakes his head. "Well we only got another day left before you'll need another plan, so get busy. I can't keep quiet much longer."

"Hmph." Gunner crosses his arms. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

JT bites his lip. "Maybe... a little... yeah, okay. It's been pretty entertaining, but only because I know what you've been trying to do."

Gunner rolls his eyes. "So help me... I wanted it to be perfect, ya know."

"Maybe that's why it keeps getting messed up. Quit trying so hard and just ask her." JT gives his arm a whack. "If you can fight bad guys with machine guns, you can do this."

Gunner's eyebrows rise. "Oh really? It took this whole stunt just to get you and that girl of yours to admit you liked each other."

JT smirks. "I thought we were talking about you."

"Whatever." Turning away from the tent, Gunner spies both women by the pond. "I still want it to be perfect," he mutters before heading that direction.

JT chuckles and follows to see if Amanda wanted to sit with him while he tried to catch supper.

Coming up behind Bree, Gunner drapes his arms over her shoulders and kisses her head. "Wanna take a stroll around the pond? I haven't seen any bears, heard any dirtbikes, crazy birds or insane insects, nor have I seen any clouds threatening to dump water on our heads."

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