

Moving around the house Hope does her best to do a last minute clean up and start dinner. She hadent been exspecting anyone over so the house was a little bit of a mess. Well really that was an understatement. Just after work the last few weeks she had been so tired time slipped away. She still had yet to get into the swing of things.

Heading the doorbell Hope stops and looks down at Domino. Since Scott had been gone the little puffball had been her friend. Now, thought she would miss her she was happy to reunight them. Domino had missed Scott and Hope was sure it went the other way too.

"I guess this will just have to do huh? I have a surprise for you!"

Going to he door and opening it Hope gives a smile seeing Scott. She was happy he'd come even if he didn't stay long. It was just nice to know he would be around more.

"Hey there. Come on in. Dinner should be ready soon. Reese let me leave a little early to get things ready. You'll have to over look the mess."

Letting her hands slip around Dylan's neck Ashlee holds on tight but doesn't chock him. Her ankle hurt something horrible but she tried her best to contain the pain for now. She could try about it later and the last thing Dylan needed was blubbering in his ear.

Starting there trek home a new worry sets in. She had never let her mom know where she was going. Part of Ashlee hoped that she wasn't looking for her either.

..."I don't think she would of wondered off the ranch ground without telling me. At least I think she would be more responsible than that."

Stacy couldn't help the worry that seemed to overcome her. Ashlee always told her where she was going if it was farther than normal. Could she really have missed something in her rounds? If she was off with Dylan than where would they be and why?

She could tell her daughter had formed a fondness of Dylan. Always be around when he was, talking to him, and getting a smile on her face when he walked into the room. Even if Ash hadn't told her Stacy could tell just by watching them. Dylan's motives were unclear though.

"Should we get some horses and check out the trails? Maybe they went walking?"

Going back to his cubicle Nate sits down letting out a frustrated sigh and rubbing his eyes. Sleep didn't seem to come easy the last few months like it use too. Part was the new baby, and part was just stress from work. It was starting to were on him though and he could tell. Maybe a vacation was in order. A get away for him and his family. When he got home he would definitely have to mention it to Laura.

Smiling back at Chance his promise really did mean a lot to her. As long as he stuck to his word things would be ok, or at least start to be ok. It would just take time.

"We have a long road ahead of us and broken trust that needs to be rebuilt but as long as your upfront with me we will be alright."

Searching Chances eyes Destiny could really tell he meant what he said. The same guy she had fallen for was still in there only more open now.

"I guess we can start figuring out together who we are and where we belong. For me I need to figure something out it all out I never really got the chance to find myself again after my parents death. So I guess we get to start over together."

Hearing the phone ring Aerith almost doesn't answer it but seeing Wyatt's number she new it must be important if he was calling her this late. Not that there had to be something wrong for him to call but it was just one of those things.

"Hello? It's ok come on over."

Hanging up the and getting out of bed Aerith puts her book down on the night stand before throwing a sweater on and a pare of sweatpants. Leaving the bedroom and heading to the kitchen she starts a pot of coffee. Something in Wyatt's voice said he might need some and she didn't mind it at all. Seeing him usually was the best part of her day.

Fiddling in the kitchen Aerith doesn't worry about the door. Wyatt had a key and she new he would let himself in.

Trying her best not to panic the fear was clear on Bree's face. He couldn't leave her, not now. If JT and Amanda hadn't been there she wouldn't have known what to do.

Doing as JT asked Amanda went to the supply and garbed a bottle of water. Going back to the others Amanda bends down and brings the water to his lips trying to get him to drink.

Looking down at Gunner Bree manages to smile a little and shake her head. It was all she could do to keep herself from freaking out.

"If this is a good time to you, I don't know what a bad one is and I don't want to find out. However a new discovery had been made. Vampires can be killed by bees."

Enjoying breakfast was nice. Beth always enjoyed the meals and was getting use to it more and more. Being around someone wasnt so bad, specially when that someone was Justin.

"I close the bar tonight. So yes but not till later."

Taking another bit of her food Beth gives a smile. She could tell Justin really didn't want to go see Jared again but was for is mom. That in itself was commendable.

"If you want some company I'll join you!"

The fog started to life as Katie's eyes fluttered. She felt so rested yet so very tired at the same time due to all the emotional events of the last few weeks. Sleep, it felt like much more sleep was needed.

Hearing soft voices Katie didn't open her eyes yet. Did what they tried work? Was Jason ok? Searching her emotions Katie felt nothing and it was a feeling of emptiness that if one new the feeling sadness would follow. No faint tug there was just...nothing.

Finally rolling over Katie opens her eyes. Moving her head slightly to the left Katie gives a small smile seeing Jason was awake and for the most part ok. It was good to see him again, Katie had missed his eyes, everything about him.

"Good Morning, Afternoon, and Night to make up for the last few weeks. It's good to see you awake."

Katie new she should be feeling a lot more than she was at the moment but the flow of emotions was gone, how was she to feel on her own? It was something she would have to get use to but...how?

"How are you feeling?"

Even that question felt strange and so out of the noram. Normally she would just know!

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