
Making Up

As JT turns her head twords him Amanda dosnt resist. Looking into his eyes and hearing his words She can feel her heart start to race beating loudly she thought for sure JT would be able to hear it. The fire danced in his eyes and his words rang in her ears.

Feeling his lips brush against hers if only for a moment sent a tingle down her spine and a warmth through her veins. It was a feeling she'd never felt before and she liked it.

"I don't think I want to wast another moment missing out either."

Bringing her hand behind JT's head Amanda pulls him close to her pressing her lips against his. Letting out a small murmer Amanda's other hand goes to JT's back and rubs it slightly. Pulling away for a moment she smiles as she trys to catch her breath.

"We have alot of making up to do you know."

Tilting her head the other way Amanda returns for another kiss just letting it linger a long time this time. Time seeming to stop, and all knowledge of what was going on around them was no longer there. It was just her and JT, this moment...seemed perfect.

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