
Family Time

People had really grown attached? They were worried? Dylan sets his jaw stubbornly, even though Dan's words hit home. He didn't want to remember that there were people who cared. He didn't want to remember that he had it good at the ranch. All he wanted to do was think about where he was going. Fun to be around? He hardly thought so. All he did was sulk, work in the barn and complain about homework. Even the only humor he had was sarcastic. Jade really liked him? He questioned that, too. But... people had really grown attached?

Keeping his eyes glued to the table, he doesn't respond to anything Dan said. Inside though, his thoughts and emotions were churning. What was right? Who was wrong? Where were the lines?

Seeing the napkin with phone number, Dylan's fingers creep forward to accept it. He might call. He might not. But he might as well take the number anyway. Deep down, he was secretly glad he had Dan's number.... just in case...anything happened.

Realizing Dan was going to leave, he finally looks up. Why his future brother-in-law cared so much, he didn't know. Seeing the outstretched hand, he just looks at it for a few moments, then raises his eyes to catch Dan's. Why did his older friend have that much respect for him? It was strange, in a way. But he couldn't complain.

Finally reaching out, Dylan accepts the handshake. It felt... final. He wasn't going back to the ranch with him. Fishing in his pocket, he pulls out the keys to the stolen truck. "Here. Somebody can come pick up the truck."

Standing up, he checks his watch. He might as well go back to the bus station. It felt like he should say something more. Some parting words or something. But he had nothing. So all he does is nod. And walk away.

Even if Mick didn't know whether or not he believed Rosetta, her words really were a comfort. Leaning his face into her hand, he kisses her palm gently. "How'd you get to be so wise, hmm?"

Pulling Rosetta sideways onto his lap, he hugs her tightly. "Thanks... You may have to tell me another time or two I'm not a failure. Maybe one day I'll believe it."

Giving her a long kiss on the lips, he gives her an extra squeeze. "How about you, me and BJ eat supper here at home tonight? I could do with some quiet family time. Unless you don't wanna cook."

Part of Scott wanted to argue with Hope - he really did feel badly about taking Domino from her. But at the same time, he knew she was right. With the way Domino was acting now, it would be mighty hard to get away from here without her and it would be rough on her to be separated from him again.

He ruffles the little dog's ears. "Okay. Thanks. I can, um... bring her along tomorrow... maybe... to the park?" He was accepting Hope's offer to spend some time together tomorrow and take some pictures. He wasn't sure how wise it was but... it would be nice to plan some activities during the next few days as he tried to settle in.

Standing up, Domino is dumped to the floor where she grabs her toy and trots into the living room as if knowing they were going to pack up her things.

Scott chuckles softly, almost like a little kid giggling at their puppy. Wandering after her, he pauses by the couch, looking around the room for a moment. He'd spent many an evening here with Hope. A bit of melancholy settles over him before he leans down and picks up one of Domino's toys. Studying it for several seconds, he finally glances over his shoulder at Hope. "Can I say thank you again?" he asks quietly. "Just for everything?"

JT grins. "Yeah... those two are something else. I can't imagine being without Bree. It's like God knew I wouldn't have kids so he gave me her instead. I wouldn't trade her for the world, either."

Still gazing at the sky, he contemplates what Amanda had just said. "Maybe part of the fun of being with someone should be not needing to scrutinize schedules before being able to spend time together."

Slipping a hand out from under his head, he holds it up against the sun, studying his fingers. "I've been using these hands to help people for a long time. A million surgeries, a bazillion sniffles and countless broken bones. Maybe I need to slow down before I get too burned out."

His hand flops back down to the grass, feeling the prickly blades. "Maybe I need to adjust my hours and not be needed so much at the hospital."

Still flailing his free arm, Gunner pulls Bree back down the path until they were in the clear and the cawing crows were left behind. "No!" He answers her with irritation. "What is with this day anyway?!" He growls then tosses Bree a smirk. "Maybe we should just go sit under a tree somewhere and hope it doesn't fall on us."

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