

Having Alec come right it front of her Ryan looks up at him squinting. Her first instance was to move backwards from Alec but she stands her ground. She wasn't going to let Alec bully her around. If this was his way of saying sorry, and he wanted another chance than he hadn't learned anything at all.

"I forgot everything we had the moment you got into bed with another woman. You reasons or not you still slept with someone else."

Ryan new her words were sharp but she didn't care. Her sadness was now turning to anger since Alec was not listening to her.

"As for living for today I am, and my today is not wasting my time. Sorry if I don't think sleeping around is fun, and I guess thats one risk I'd rather not take...Because I am smart."

Turning to go back to the car Ryan stops at Alec buts his hand around her arm rather tight. Her anger, sadness, and pity taking over. Turning again Ryan brings her free hand's fist to Alec's face. Jerking her arm free she looks down at him.

"I don't want you back in my life. I've moved on."

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