

Hearing her brother voice again Ryan is quiet for several moments. She was so comfortable laying here with Tal and it was much different than when she had done it before. There was a calmness, a strength, a protection and it felt nice. Ryan didn't want to leave this saftly and for a long moment she dosnt.

"Just make salad I'm to comfortable to move."

Keeping her arm draped over Tal her head moving up and down with his slow breath Ryan just soaks it in. She could feel the soft beat of Tal's own heart as her head just lied nestled into him. Tal was different and that was clear. She hardly new him but something....it felt like they had been best friends.

Moving her head a little to be able to look at Tal Ryan gives a smile. A true smile she hadn't shone since everything went down with Alec. Looking into his eyes for a long moment Ryan finally shifts a little to sit up.

"I guess I should go make the salad I said I was going to. Right when I was getting really comfortable too. Stick one up for perfect timing again."

Leaning down one more time and giving Tal a bref kiss to the lips again Ryan stands letting her hand drag across his chest. Before she aims for the kitchen.

"Alright Alright I dont want you to wine I'll make what I originally planned. Man it smells good in here."


If Ryan's words didn't seem true at first, Tal believed them as she nuzzled in to his shoulder and neck. Letting both arms wrap around her, he felt for a moment, almost as if he were a blanket, wrapping around her to protect her from the storm she'd been facing. He'd set out to try and be a friend and be nice to someone he knew had been hurt. But he hadn't realized how far a small part of his care could go. And now... as Ryan lay here in his arms... he wanted to hold her all the more closely. He wanted to tell her how beautiful she was. He wanted to tell her how much more she was worth than she had been treated. He wanted to tell her that he could see how much she had to offer and to not let some jerk hold her back.

But all those feelings... all those words... those were things that had filled his mind since he'd first found out about Alec running off. And those were all things that if spoken, would be spoken too soon, and risk closing the door that had just been opened.

So all he can do is tighten his arms just a little, as if to say, 'Stay right here - I won't let you go.'

"Hey, you two...it'll be about twenty minutes." Eli's voice comes barreling through the air again, shattering yet another quiet moment. "Ryan, did you wanna fix anything on the side? Or I can throw a salad together."

Tal takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, letting Ryan's head rise and fall with his breath. His arms loosen and he straightens his leg back out, giving her the opportunity to leave. It was probably best if they get up before Eli sauntered in - Tal really didn't want to get kicked out after he'd just made friends.


As Eli's voice is heard and the moment was broken Ryan gives a small sigh as she trys to catch her own breath. She loved her brother to death but his timing was crappy that was for sure. Looking back down at Tal again and hearing his words a soft smile comes to her lips. Was started as a joked seemed to turn into something more. Even if she didn't say it, she could feel it.

"I've never been on to believe in magic....till now."

Letting out a different sigh from the first this was seemed to be filled with contentment. Letting her arm that was proping her up slide a little so it was out of the way Ryan leans down and nestled her head into the crook of Tal's shoulder and neck facing the tv. Though it was the football she would seem to be watching her mind was far from paying attachen to it as the soft smell of Tal's skin filled her every breath.


Without much sense left at all, Tal let the moment continue. The room seemed to tilt a little bit, almost making him dizzy, but not enough to give this up now. His hand absentmindedly moves behind Ryan's head, his fingers gently raking through her hair. Bringing one knee up, it forces her closer and tighter to him.

"Hey, Tal, you want onions on your steak?" Eli shouts from the kitchen.

Tal's eyes fly open as his surroundings come back into focus again. He didn't want to be the one to break the moment, but if he didn't, Eli was going to walk in on them. Reluctantly pulling back from the kiss, his eyes roll towards the ceiling. "No," he calls back. "Not tonight, thanks."

With his arms still around Ryan, his eyes swing back into place, locking with hers. Had he really just been kissing her? Had she really just been kissing him back? He could count their encounters on one hand... she didn't know him... he didn't know her... but what he did know was that his heart was still racing, his breath was still shallow, and Ryan fit perfectly in his embrace.

"That sure felt like magic to me," he breaths quietly.

*cough cough*

Feeling Tal's hands slide up her back and the other finding the side of her face Ryan gives a little shiver but it was not from cold, or fear but from the strange but good new feeling she felt. Her own mind lost its sense in what she was doing or even remembering this was Eli's friend she was kissing someone she hardly new. But that just didn't seem to matter.

Accepting the passion Ryan's returns it with her own liking the softness of it. It was nice, and it felt good. Just continuing the exchange Ryan wondered if Tal could feel the fast beat of her heart, and the butterfly's that seemed to form in her stomach. The game on tv lost, and whatever else that was going on around them just not seeming to matter.

Stopping for a moment Ryan pulls away only to tilt her head the other way once again her eyes falling just as she just soaked up the moment, the feelings, and letting herself be free. Tal's lips so soft, so passionate, so full of emotion hers just seeming to match perfectly with his.


Tal wasn't sure, but he didn't think he'd assumed Ryan would actually take him up on his offer. As she leans back down again, he wonders if he was really doing a smart thing here, but it seemed as though he were glued to this spot, unable to move at all.

Her lips brushing his again make his heart skip a beat and he looks at her eyes again before she returns. Her hands sliding to his neck and back of his head make his pulse race faster and his eyes fall shut.

As the exchange lingers, all common sense seems to fly out the window and he allows the kiss to gently deepen. His hands grow minds of their own and his palms slide up Ryan's back, one stopping near her shoulders, the other coming up to cradle her head. Tilting his head a little more he returns her kiss with a soft but strong passion.

O.O O.O Will we ever learn?

Ryan can feel the heat rise in her own cheeks a little bit as she continued to look down at Tal. Feeling his hands on her side just sitting there Ryan wasn't sure herself if she should move or not. On one hand something screamed in the back of her head to get up, but than there was another voice that told her to stay right there.

Not even paying any mind to her brother Ryan just keeps looking down at Tal. Biting her lip for a moment and hearing his words Ryan can feel her heart beat a little faster in her chest. He'd just told her that she could kiss him again if she wanted to see what happened. If any other before had said that to Ryan she could of given them a bloody nose, but for some reason the only reaction she felt with Tal right now was impulse, and the sound of her heart pounding in her ears.

"Maybe...it would be...like magic!"

Bringing her one hand to Tal's chest and her other arm to the side of his head so she could brace herself and not lay completely on top of him cutting off his air Ryan brings her lips to his again letting them brush softly before pulling away a little and looking at him. Letting her hand slip up his neck, to the side of his face and than the back of his head. Coming back into turning her head the other way Ryan lets her lips press a little more to his.


Seeing how ticklish Ryan was, Tal can't help but keep it up, wondering how long she could last. He wasn't going to give up either.

Hearing the ruckus from the kitchen, Eli tries to peek around the corner, but he's just too far away, trying to keep the steak from burning. "What on earth..." Ryan's laughter was about the only thing that kept him from abandoning the food all together. She and Tal were... having a good time? He shakes his head. Trust them, he did, but Ryan was definitely acting peculiar and Tal was apparently in a goofy mood. "Knock it off," Eli hollers. "Distract me and I'll burn supper!"

His words aren't even heard though. As Ryan slides down further on top of him, Tal keeps up the tickling, for no other reason than to just see when she'd give up. But it was him who gave up first.

As her lips brush past his accidentally, his hands come to a screeching halt, cradling her sides. With all of the laughing and moving around, he was a little breathless and his heart raced even faster now. Staring up into Ryan's eyes, he doesn't dare move. Had she... had they just... was it....?

He swallows hard. It was the first time he realized he could smell her sweet shampoo and her lips had been so soft and warm, even if the brief encounter had been a split-second accident. His eyes don't leave hers.

"Um... it..." He swallows again. "It's great. I mean fine. I mean..." Heat comes to his cheeks. He realizes his hands are still around her sides but he's almost afraid to move them away now. His gaze flicks back and forth from one of her eyes to the other and back again. His voice comes out in almost a whisper this time. "You could always try that on purpose just to see what happens."


Giving a little laugh Ryan can't help but be able to feel Tal flex a little underneath her. The same muscles she'd felt in the kitchen now showing themselves a little more and it was quite impressive.

As Tal's fingers come to Ryan's side she lets out a loud shriek. Only Eli new how ticklish she was and now Tal did too. Squirming to try and get away Ryan's laughter rings out but she was unwilling to move from Tal. She was stubborn and didn't want to lose this battle.

"Ah...no...stop....Oh Tal..."

Continuing to move and try to block Tal's hands Ryan moves down closer to his own body as she was almost laying on top of him just to get her sides away. Miss judging where she was leaning her head though Ryan's lips find there way to Tal's brushing them lightly before moving away. Almost in shock that she had just done that Ryan stops her laughing and just looks down into Tal's eyes. Had she really just brushed his lips with her own? As it becomes clear she did Ryan can't help but smile a little bit. He had soft lips that was for sure.



Glancing up and seeing Ryan at the back of the couch, Tal just watches her, then catches her eye as she looks down at him. "Score is lousy," he replies. "Twenty-one to three." A little grin crooks his mouth but he doesn't say anything more.

Catching the strange new look in her eye, he furrows his brow, trying to figure it out, but he never would have guessed her next move. Having her sit right down on his stomach, he tenses up so he can still breath, giving a start. His arms come out from behind his head as a reflex, one hand landing on her lap, the other on her arm. His eyes widen and for a moment he retreats, realizing he didn't want to be improper.

But as Ryan hollers back to Eli, Tal grows less concerned about being proper and more concerned about who was winning this little game. His grin returns, humor flashing in his eyes.

Back in the kitchen, Eli quirks an eyebrow but can't leave the steaks at the moment. "Lumpy couch?" He had no idea what she was talking about.

Tal catches Ryan's sassy little grin and his eyes narrow. Bucking his stomach, he bounces her to try and get her off, but it wasn't enough. Bypassing good sense, his fingers go for her ribs. "Think you're pretty funny, do you?" he teases, starting to tickle her. "Well this seat doesn't like to sit still."