

As Eli's voice is heard and the moment was broken Ryan gives a small sigh as she trys to catch her own breath. She loved her brother to death but his timing was crappy that was for sure. Looking back down at Tal again and hearing his words a soft smile comes to her lips. Was started as a joked seemed to turn into something more. Even if she didn't say it, she could feel it.

"I've never been on to believe in magic....till now."

Letting out a different sigh from the first this was seemed to be filled with contentment. Letting her arm that was proping her up slide a little so it was out of the way Ryan leans down and nestled her head into the crook of Tal's shoulder and neck facing the tv. Though it was the football she would seem to be watching her mind was far from paying attachen to it as the soft smell of Tal's skin filled her every breath.

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