

As Eric realizes how awkward Stacy is suddenly acting, his grin only widens. For some reason, he wanted to laugh, just seeing her the one tongue-tangled for once. He'd never admit to anyone that he knew good and well why and he was milking it for all it was worth. "Maybe I'm the-"

He stops when he sees Ashlee approach and is quick to straighten. Feeling rather inappropriate without a shirt on in front of the girl, he folds his arms and tries to hide any embarrassment that seeped through as color to his face. A smile and a wink is tossed in her direction and he waves a farewell as the two take off. The abrupt end to the short collision left him just standing there for several minutes, wondering why he had this lingering feeling that something significant had just happened. Maybe he was just too tired to be thinking straight.

Shaking his head, he wanders back outside to retrieve his hat and shirt. He'd hit the shower then go get something to eat. Whenever Ashlee got back, he'd see if she wanted to help groom some of the horses.

Things didn't go quite as Eric had planned, however. He did get his shower, and he did get some breakfast. But after that, getting any work done at all just didn't happen. Staying up all night finally caught up to him, and a brief rest on the main building's porch swing ended up turning into a full-fledged nap. Stretched out across the swing with one arm up behind his head as a pillow, the sunshine was his blanket. His sleep was deep enough that he wouldn't even hear when Stacy and Ashlee got back from town.

Hope's hand on his arm wasn't something Kip expected - nor was its warmth. He really wasn't sure how to take her yet. She wasn't what he'd thought she'd be... younger... not like a counselor at all... softer maybe. Where normally he'd pull away, today he doesn't shy away from her touch.

Still just looking at the little flower, he feels stupid for crying. He wasn't even sure why he was anyway, especially in front of someone he barely even knew. He sniffs. At least Hope was probably used to people acting like babies.

Her words didn't quite penetrate at first. But when Karla is mentioned, his eyes snap up to hers. He remembered the day he'd met Karla. He was still grateful for the water she'd offered. And the fire... well, he had nothing to do with her getting out of there, but he supposed maybe he'd helped her afterward at least. But now? He felt like he was more of a burden than anything. He keeps that thought to himself though.

Wiping away the last of his tears for now, he draws in a breath and studies Hope's face. "Alright. I get it. But when someone..." He swallows hard. "When someone you trust tells you over and over again you're worthless... eventually you believe it, ya know? When they tell you enough times that you're stupid and you can't really do anything on your own... eventually it becomes true... in here." He lays a hand over his heart. "I know up here it's not true." He taps his head. "Because people like Erik and Kyle and Karla tell me so. And sometimes I try to act like I actually believe it so I can stay with the band and pretend I know what I'm doing. But in reality..." He slowly shakes his head. "In reality I guess I don't really think I can do it. I don't believe it when people tell me I'm worth the effort. I don't believe it when they tell me I'm a good musician. I don't even believe it when they tell me I'm a good friend. I just..." He shrugs lamely. "I'm not sure I can ever thrive even if I have been replanted."

He gently fingers the flower petals again, unsure if he felt sorrier for himself or this poor little plant. Turning away from Hope before she can respond, he walks slowly to a nearby picnic table and sits down. Setting aside the cup, he hunches forward and folds his arms on the table, hiding his face. He suddenly felt as if all energy had been drained from his body and he didn't even know why.

Thankfully, once Alec had left, he was gone for the night and the apartment was left in peace. The movie was enjoyed as much as possible after the little episode and Tal stayed as long as he could before eventually saying goodnight. Eli didn't talk about Alec to Ryan, but he did give her a hug before heading to bed, which was something he never did. Maybe tonight he just wanted to remind her she was loved.

At least the next night was a race night and worries could be forgotten. The crowd was always something to get the adrenaline pumping and hanging out with buddies made the late hours worth it...

...Eli stands in his usual spot near the finish line, and, as usual, ignores most of the noisy crowd. His eyes remained on the dessert and the small headlights that were fast approaching from a distance.

"Saw we got a rookie tonight." Miles had joined him. "Still time to make a bet he comes in last."

Eli grins. "Naw. I learned a long time ago not to do that. Too many surprises." Any bets he placed were on his sister, but only when he knew she was up against those she could beat blindfolded. He'd never tell her that, not wanting to imply she couldn't beat anybody new, but he'd learned the hard way not to place money on bets he wasn't sure about.

"Well, if he doesn't come in last, you know he'll be eating Ryan's dust anyway."

"True." Eli laughs. "Poor guy won't know what hit him."

"I wouldn't say poor. You see that car of his?"

"Yeah. Good thing it takes more than a car to drive out here." Eli's eyes stay focused on the desert track.

"No kidding."

As the two men watch though, tension rises. The headlights in the lead were not the ones they expected to see. And the closer the cars came to the finish line, the more the tension rose. Eli's eyes remain glued to the scene, his ears not even hearing the shouting crowd. Was that... really? Was it...

His head whips to the side as his gaze follows the car that had just crossed the finish line. But it wasn't Ryan's car. It was the rookie's blue hotrod. Eyebrows lifted in surprise, Eli saunters over to where Ryan would park and waits for her. One eye remained on the nearby scene though, where the sandy-haired stranger was basking in all of the attention.

Gunner grins at Bree and reaches out to rough up her hair. "You're very cute in the moonlight, you know that?"

He glances to his tent, then back to her, his eyes tired but still full of too much energy to sleep. "I got my telescope in there. Join me in some stargazing?"

JT chuckles softly. "Yeah... yeah, Gunner does love her to death and she him. I guess I'd never admit that I always wondered if the right guy would come along for her. Not 'cause of her, but it takes someone special to really appreciate what makes her tick, ya know?" His smile mellows. "I'm gonna miss having her around as much. Sometimes I forget she's not a little tyke with her two front teeth missing anymore."

Chuckling a little again, he glances next to him to see Amanda shiver. There was a cool breeze and the fire was shrinking. "Hey now, if you wind up catching cold, I'm gonna get blamed," he teases. Reaching over, he slips his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him. "Huh," he muses. "You fit pretty good here under my arm, you know that?"

He grows a crooked grin before scrunching his nose in a grimace. Turning his head to look at Amanda, his gaze glistens with humor. "In case you haven't noticed..." He bites his lip, trying not to laugh - whether it was from nervousness or late-night silliness, he'd never know. "...it's been a long time since I flirted, and I think I'm doing a pretty poor job."

There was plenty of food left in front of Scott - he hadn't even finished half of it yet. But after forcing down one more french fry, he stopped. He was tired and just didn't have the energy to try and psych himself up to eat any more. He continues to listen, just enjoying being with his sister, really. His body was weary but he didn't want to cut anything short. Picking at his food, he tries to make it look like he's still working on his meal.

Noticing Sapphire's glance to his left, Scott turns just a little then back to her, not knowing what she'd been looking at, but remaining at ease, seeing that she is too. Her words about Hope bring little pangs to his heart. She'd been so sick... and he hadn't been there for her... worse, he'd pushed her away. At least she was doing better now, right? She was a fighter... she could pull through anything. She... didn't need someone weak to pull her down. She probably had someone else by now anyway.

The mention of Domino snaps him back to attention and a faint smile curls his lips. He'd never be able to say how much he'd missed that little dog. She'd been his best friend ever since he'd gotten her. While at Brookshire, he'd rejected everything... but seeing the black and white furball again was something he was very much looking forward to.

"I'm glad she's been taking care of her," he responds. "'Course now I'd feel kinda bad if Hope's gotten used to having her around." He looks down at the table. "I wish things woulda been different... I wish... I woulda done things differently, ya know?"

After a moment, he glances back up to his sister. "I don't...know how to start over," he admits. "So much has happened... so many changes. I don't know how I'll be able to fit in again."

Pausing with Beth at the elevator, her words do make Justin smile - a small, warm smile that he often smiled but didn't even know emitted a peaceful feeling. "Thanks... and pie sounds great though it's not a requirement."

Seeing a lock of her hair hanging down in her face, he reaches out to tuck it behind her ear. But for a moment, his hand lingers on her cheek. "Yeah... yeah, I'll see you tomorrow."

Retracting his hand, he hooks his thumb in his pocket before seeing the elevator open. "Your chariot awaits."

It was debatable whether or not dealing with the Agency was wise. But no one would know for sure until the future was met. The risk was taken, however, because the life of a friend had been deemed more important than computer records. Would the health information shared with the Agency come back to haunt them in the end? It was uncertain. But one thing was certain: no one wanted Jason to die or for Katie to suffer.

Rick felt as though he'd been awake for weeks. All of his research... all of his studying and dissecting what was wrong with Jason... it had all ended in needing help from the Agency. In his eyes, it was a despicable way to conclude, but he was backed up against the wall with no way out. If he wanted Jason to live, he needed to comply. So comply he had. And after one meeting, the Agency had the Elite's health records and Rick had possession of one vile - one vile that held the future of two lives.

Filling two syringes, Rick gives Misty a long look. After test after test after more tests, they had agreed the contents were safe. But Rick still wished they would have had more time... more understanding about what this "cure" would do. But time they did not have. If something didn't happen fast, Rick feared Jason would not survive the next twenty-four hours.

Turning to the two beds, he sighs. Jason lay in one - still and quiet as he had since being brought here. He had not been awake once. Cindy sat by his side, holding his hand, while Derek paced next to her and Liz walked the hall. Rick had given Katie the second bed. He wasn't sure if there would be any ill affects, but just in case, he wanted her here where he could monitor her condition for a while. He'd recommended bringing along some comfy clothes and a good book, knowing he'd at least want her here overnight.

Offering a kind smile, he comes and sits on the edge of Katie's bed. He'd talked to her about this already - he had explained that it would take several shots to each her and Jason and that if the Agency was being truthful, that the connection would fade, and probably rather quickly. Hopefully there would be only slight changes felt since she and Jason had already been on the antidote for quite a while. The side affects were unknown, though Rick had conveyed his confidence that they would be minor. He suspected some physical discomfort but didn't foresee any problems.

"Ready, Hero?" He pats her shoulder before rolling up her sleeve and prepping the needle. Giving one last glance to Misty, he administers the shot, silently praying for the best. "There we are." He holds his smile for Katie and gestures to the pillow. "Make yourself comfortable. This will all be over soon."

Moving on to Jason, he administers that shot as well, again with another silent prayer. And all anyone can do now is wait.

"...Okay. Everyone set?" Reese looks at Wyatt, Chance and Nate. It was the next night and ten-thirty. As far as Wyatt and Nate knew, no one else was aware that Con was already stationed on top of a building across from the mill, ready to fire the tranquilizer darts as soon as the exchange took place.

Wyatt zips up his jacket and takes out his keys before glancing to the other two men. "I'm ready."

Chance swallows hard and nods. "Yeah... me too."

Reese purses his lips. "Good. Be sure to check in with Dalton as soon as you're on the road to make sure everyone's alert and in contact."

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