
Little flower

Hearing Kip's comment about not knowing why Kyle had said he needed to talk to someone, Hope just nodded her head a little. It was a question everyone asked and Hope really always had a hard time answering it. Not because she didn't know, but because everyone was different and saying the same old same old lines would make her just like every other counselor and that was not Hope's goal. She really did want to be Kip's friend.

Stopping and looking around the park for a moment, Hope spots a bed of flowers with a lonely flower just a little bit away from the others that looked as though it had been trampled by people who didn't know it was there. Motioning for Kip to follow her, Hope goes over to the bed and looks down, slowly lowering herself to the ground. She was slightly tired from the walk, but she wouldn't let on. She was determined to let Kip understand her. "See this little flower here?"

Hope points to the bright one that stood alone. Bent but not broken, its colors still bright, the signs of the carelessness of others clear. "This lonely flower didn't choose to be away from the others - it's the life it was given and most people don't even notice its there. It's colors are bright and it refuses to die, but day after day it just gets trampled and it sinks a little lower to the ground. If it continues to just sit here, it will soon give up and die because it has no other choice."

Taking her bag and pulling out a paper cup and a little shovel, one might think Hope had planned this very thing. But the truth was she hadn't, and why she had brought these tools today, she wasn't sure. But before leaving the house she felt as though she should. The only way she could explain it would be a sign from God, giving her the resources to work Him to help Kip.

"Now, we have a few options.. I can dig up the flower and throw it aside because it's going to die here anyway so why not just end it now? I can dig it up and bring it back over with the other flowers again, but then it's just going to die as well because the damage has been done to it so deeply that the other flowers will choke it out. Or, I can dig it up, place it in the paper cup with some dirt, and nurture it back with gentle love and care. Then, when it's ready, I can bring it back and put it with the other flowers, knowing it will live a long and healthy life."

Hope gives a smile to Kip, handing him the paper cup. Returning to the flower, she carefully takes the shovel and starts to dig around the flower a little before gently lifting it out of the ground along with some other dirt and putting it into the paper cup Kip had been holding. "There we go. I believe that non of God's creations should be tossed aside because they all have their purpose in life. Just sometimes they need a little extra love and care before being able to return to the harsh world."

Looking back down at the brown spot in the grass where the flower once was, Hope thinks again for a moment before taking the shovel in hand once again. "Now, the ground here we can leave like this - a reminder to where the flower once grew - a scar that something had once been here. But if we do that, people will walk through, dig it up, make it deeper and bigger, and it will never heal. But, we can fill in the hole and then the grass will grow once again. Maybe not as thickly as the other grass, still leaving a reminder that something had been here. But since we stopped and took the time to care for the hole, it won't grow any bigger, and slowly it will heal as well."

Patting the earth with the shovel, making sure the hole was filled in, Hope brushed the dirt off before replacing it into her bag. Slowly standing once again and brushing herself off, she continues to let Kip hold the flower, not taking it from him but she continues to walk again at a slower pace. She wasn't sure if Kip would understand the connection to the flower and the hole in the earth, but she knew he was smart. So even if he didn't get it right away, he would continue to think about it and it would come to him.

Walking out of the bunkhouse with a warm cup of coffee, Stacy lets out a sigh. She'd slept longer than intended. It had felt really good though - a much needed sleep for sure. So she tried not to beat herself up too much about it.

Stepping down the first step and taking a sip of her coffee, movement catches the corner of her eye, causing her to look up. Seeing Eric, she is about to look away, but her own head just won't move as she continued to watch him with the horse. There was something different about him this morning - something more vibrant. His skin wet, twinkling in the sunlight... his hair dancing softly in the breeze.

After a few more moments of watching him, Stacy realizes maybe it was a little too long, and heads the rest of the way down the porch and makes her way to the dining hall, color on her cheeks. She was heading into town today to get a few things and wanted to find Ashlee to see if she wanted to come with her.

Stepping inside and not seeing her in the dining hall, after scanning the room, she turns around and walks out again, wondering where else she might be. Remembering she had seen her in the barn a few times, she makes her way there, completely forgetting she had just seen Eric go in there as well.

Not paying too much attention, Stacy looks down at her empty coffee cup. She definitely needed another cup this morning. Rounding the corner, she finally looks up but it was much to late as she collides head-on with Eric. Taking a few steps back, she drops her cup and grabs onto Eric's arms to steady herself, his firm muscles under her fingers.

Giving a small chuckle, Beth felt a little better that Justin had forgiven her. They were still friends, and she was happy about that. He was the first real friend she had had. To lose him would be a sad thing for her - it had felt pretty horrible.

"Oh, man, I didn't even think about it. I should have brought some with me."

Beth gives a smile. It was good to see even though there was something bad going on, Justin still had a little bit of his humor. She could tell by his face he was he was worried, though. Even if his brother wasn't the best person, he was still family, and to lose a family member hurt no matter what.

Reaching over with her free hand, she gives his hand a little pat, looking at him and offering a warm, comforting smile. "No matter what happens, it's going to be alright. How is your mom holding up?"

Ryan's expression that once looked at Alec with understanding, passion and much more, was now cold as she looks at him. Him just standing there and spouting off at the mouth even if he was saying sorry made her blood boil. Did he really think she could forget everything that happened?

Taking a step back to make his hand fall from her face, Ryan crosses her arms over her chest. Looking at Alec for a long moment before finally talking, she just studies him.

"If I remember right, where we left off, you were telling me you hated me. That's a pretty crappy place to pick up at. Further back I don't want to even go there. No, Alec, it's not that simple. You can't walk in and out of someone's life when you feel like it. No matter the reason, it's wrong and not okay."

Uncrossing her arms, Ryan's face held so many emotions - sadness, anger, hurt. It was hard to just pick one and decide which one was stronger than the others. Just being out here talking to Alec hurt. Why had she agreed to come out and talk to him? She had no idea and now wishes she hadn't at all.

"Sorry, Alec, but second chances don't come that easily. I've moved on. life didn't stand still because you were off messing around. So do I forgive you? Yes. Will I forget and take you back...no!"

Without saying anything else, Ryan steps back inside, closing the door behind her. Leaning up against it, she closes her eyes for a moment, trying not to let her emotions overflow. Composing herself, she walks back into the living room. Giving a smile, she gets back on the couch where she was before being disturbed. Leaning against Tal, she takes his arm and puts it around herself before giving his hand a kiss. "Alright, so what are we watching here? It's not something girly is it?"

Taking a sip of her water, Sapphire listens as Scott talks across from her. She had picked a little place she knew would be on the quiet side at this time. She at least wanted to make her brother somewhat comfortable and if it was picking a place with less people, she was okay with that.

"I'm really happy you're doing better, Scott. Having to go in every once in a while is so much better than being there all the time." Looking down at her plate for a moment, she takes another bite of her burgers, eating a little slower than normal but not minding. It meant she could have more time with her brother, so she was okay with that.

"I really did miss seeing you all the time. Work's just not the same without you there. I know Mom and Dad were worried too. You should stop by and see them too, for sure."

She gives Scott a warm smile, her eyes just twinkling, showing she really was happy he was there and doing so much better. "I am doing alright. Life seems to be moving on just as busy as always. Gage got a job and art lessons all at the same time. Alec got that for him before he went rogue on us. But now Alec is back again and trying to get on the right track once again. Jason is pretty sick and Rick isn't sure why. He doesn't have much time left from what I am told. Katie is taking it pretty hard. Laura had her baby and they are doing good. Nate is making a good father. As for me... well, you know me. Nothing too exciting has happened. I kind of like the same old same old. Then again, I have always been like that."

Sapphire gives a chuckle as she looks down at her food and then back up at Scott again, giving a shake of her head, realizing she had just said a whole mouthful at once. "Other than rambling, that is. I don't think that will ever stop."

As Bree listens to Gunner and his story, she couldn't help but snicker here and there, doing her best not to outright laugh. He was so into the story, she didn't want to interrupt it. She had never heard this story though and it was rather funny.

Keeping her legs partially wrapped around Gunner, she shifts a little before looking across the fire at JT and Amanda. Giving them both a smile, she was happy that neither one of them seemed too mad about how they had gotten them to come along.

Listening to Gunner's story, Amanda has to bring her hand to her mouth to keep from laughing. Being a doctor, she could visualize how it would be if a patient was rushed in with splinters in their backside. It would be quite shocking to say the least. Shaking her head, she can't help it anymore and starts laughing. It was way too funny to keep it in anymore and she figured that was about the end of the story anyway. Her laughter continues too, for several long moments, her face turning a few different shades of red.

"I've seen some things in my medical profession, but I don't think I have ever seen that. Even if I had, I don't know if I could have anything to do with it from laughing so hard."

Looking over at JT, she smiles as the fire casts a soft glow on her face. The air was crisp, but the warmth of the fire was nice. A few times, she thought about moving a little closer to JT, but he hadn't taken any initiative on it, so maybe he didn't want to, and the last thing she wanted to do was make him feel uncomfortable, especially if they were spending a few days here.

Looking down at Gunner, Bree smiles. She couldn't be happier right now. Being here with Gunner, with her family, it all just seemed so perfect. Then again, any time spent with Gunner was a wonderful time. Her own personal vampire.

Glancing to JT and Amanda for a moment and seeing them so far apart, she couldn't help but roll her eyes and look back at Gunner. The firelight dancing in her eyes as she looks down at him again, whispering, "I guess I forgot to tell him that part. Now he knows firsthand though."

Giving a nod to Rick as he leaves, Katie didn't have anything else to say. Everything would be so different for her and Jason. That was a sure thing. She had to keep her head up though, and go into it positively. It's how they would survive and she loved Jason so much that she knew it was the right choice without second guesses.

Going over to Jason's side and sitting down, she leans her head on his arm. the antidote made it so they didn't have their connection but still at the door she could feel the pull just waiting for the right time to be free again. Little did it know that soon there would be no door, only a solid brick wall.

"It's going to be okay, J. They have a plan and a cure for you. You're going to be okay."

Leaning back in his chair, Nate rests his hands on his desk and drums them softly, thinking for a moment and working everything through in his head. Wyatt was the smart one and with just a few simple ideas, Nate's own mind started reeling too.

"Dart guns...I wouldn't have thought of that. That has to be much safer than just running in guns blazing, and not killing anyone is even better. After all, we aren't the Underground."

He stands and paces a little bit. If Dalton stayed here, that would be good and well unless someone walked in on him and the whole thing went up in smoke. Was that really a smart move? "Maybe we could set Dalton up in a van close by, or maybe even on the rooftop with Con. It would run less chance of anyone here crashing the party."

Giving a smirk, Nate shakes his head. "I have put on a few pounds since the last time you had to drag me." He stops and looks to Wyatt. He could see the excitement in the young man's eyes and could only guess it was more than likely in his own too, and he knew it. There was always excitement with action involved. "I told you you were the brains."

Sitting in the back room on her beak, Thirteen moves her phone from hand to hand. She wanted to call Eric back but she wasn't sure what to say. She never had someone say sorry to her before. Ryder had told her to just speak how she felt, but it was still hard.

Finally dialing the number, she stands and starts to pace as Eric's voicemail picks up. For that, she was as little happy. "Uncle Eric, it's Thirteen. I got your message and I just wanted to let you know I love you. I forgive you too."

She stops and looks out the window on the door. Seeing more people come in, she knew her break was over. "I better get back to work. I hope to see you soon. Bye."

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