


Yeah, I know this is a different way to talk to you, but I always did think this was as more personal way to write. Don't freak out though - I'm not stalking you. Just saw one of the guys from the band the other day and asked for your address.

Sorry I haven't been around online much. I am a little behind on a few things because my car decided to act up. So I had to give up my internet for at least a month.

So how are you? How is Puzzle? Sassy is doing good. Being a pain in the butt like normal. Work is going well. Thinking about getting a second job, but just thinking. lol

Hey, while I am MIA, think you can keep up the web page and devotions for me? For a bunch of people there it means a lot to them. Would be great if you could. :)

Anyways, Sassy is looking at me funny so I guess that means I should go to bed. Take care and talk again soon.


Going to the door and opening it, Destiny is taken aback for a moment, seeing the one person she wished she never would again, but in the same breath, wanted to just one more time. No matter how ragged he looked, how much he needed to shave, there was no denying those eyes, no matter how blank.

Just continuing to look back at him, Destiny's own smile was missing. The life sucked from her eyes, all but one small twinkle that maybe she was happy he was there.

Shifting a little and pulling her sweater closer around her, Destiny finally speaks. "Why? Why did you need to se me? After everything - all this time, why now?"

It was an honest question that she wanted an honest answer for. How this would go from here, she did not know, but it was what she wanted to know to start anything.

Answering her phone this late was unusual for Beth. She was usually visiting Justin for dinner, but tonight just happened to be a free night for her. "Hell. Beth Parker speaking."

Hearing it was Lydia, Beth's lips turned into a smile. She was happy to get the call. "Actually, you called on a good night. I have nothing going on. I'll be over as soon as I can."

...As promised, Beth was pulling into the driveway a while later. Carrying a freshly baked cherry pie, she was excited to be sharing it with Lyida. Justin liked them - she could only hope his mom would as well.

Sitting in the back, Ryan had slipped in unnoticed. She had gotten off work today and by the way no one put up a fuss, she was sure they all knew why.

Was she here to cheer Alec on? To hope the Elite wouldn't fall? Or was she here to see Alec go to jail? That was a question with no answer because Ryan didn't even know herself. Listening closely to everything, Ryan can't help but watch Alec as he takes the stand. As his eyes meet hers, Ryan doesn't even blink as her cold gaze just watches. Hearing what he had to say, she can't help but feel a little pity for him.

Continuing to sit, listen and wait, Ryan was a bit surprised with the judge's ruling but a little sigh escapes as well. Standing as everyone else does, she leaves her seat and makes her way to the door. Stopping though, she looks back to Alec, feeling he was watching her. Giving a nod of her congratulations, she just stands there a few moments longer before leaving.

Getting out to her car, Ryan sits, her mind moving a mile a minute, and not landing on any one thing. She had off work today but she had to go in. At least for an hour or so to take her mind off everything.

Getting to the shop in record time, she gives a small nod to the guys as she passes. Getting to her work bench, she is surprised as she is met by the colorful arrangement of spring flowers. Not being able to help the smile that spreads across her lips, Ryan leans a little closer, taking in the sweet smell. Pulling the little card from the middle and seeing they were from Tal, her smile grows even more and she pulls out her phone. Dialing his number, she waits.

"Hey, Tal, it's Ryan. Thank you for the flowers. They brighten up my work area nicely."

Pausing for a moment and smelling the flowers again, Ryan continues. "How would you like to come over for dinner tonight? Eli is going to be home, but I could cook something special for you guys."

"Chocolate and peanut butter sound amazing right now, for sure."

Continuing to walk, Karla's mind kept going back to the fact that Kip could play other instruments. She never would have known, and it was totally cool. "So do the others know you can play more? I think it would be cool if you could try playing something else sometime."

Holding her smile, Karla really did think it was cool. Kip was talented and she knew it. It felt good to be able to be a part of that too.

Anastasia can't help the little bit of color that came to her cheeks. It happened every time Quinn made mention of her being a princess.

As Quinn puts his arm around her, Anastasia brings her own hand up to meed his and hold it. She didn't know how long this would last or where they road was taking them, but so far, she was enjoying it and that was enough for her.

"Walking to get coffee sounds great. It's too nice out to drive."

Smiling up at Quinn, she leans into him a little bit, just absorbing the affection. "So, how was your day?"

Leaning on the fence, she takes everything in once again from this angle like she did every night. Hearing someone alongside her, Stacy moves her head just a little to see. Seeing it was Sparky, she relaxes a little.

"Hey. Yeah that should be fine. I just want Dylan to be comfortable. I can pretty much deal with anything."

It was the truth too. Stacy had been in worse being a cop. For Dylan, she didn't want to make things harder on him. "What time on Saturday did you want to leave?"

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