

The tap on the table lifts Dylan's gaze, and one of his eyebrows quirks, signaling his surprise. Daring to look Ashlee in the eye, he searches to see if her invitation is genuine. Did she really know him better than anybody else at the game table? He found that hard to believe, but maybe she'd spoken to him more than the others. Did she really want him there for her, or was she trying to get him involved for some strange reason? All of the above, maybe?

His eyes shift to the table where he sees his sister give him a smile. She'd heard Ashlee too, and it didn't look as though she was apposed. He looks back to Ashlee. Getting a break from school did sound good... maybe he'd stay... for a little while.

Shutting his book, he shrugs. "Yeah, okay." Standing up, he winces and takes a moment before hobbling towards the other table with Ashlee.

Trying to hide surprise, Jeff pulls out a chair next to him. "Have a seat, Tiger."

Dylan smirks. "Only if no one sits across from me." He looks over to his sister who was directly across from him.

She gives him a haughty look. "Oh really? Don't like looking at my mug anymore, eh?"

"No. I need a chair to put my foot up on."

"Oh." Jade grins and stands up, making Dan move too so she could still sit with him. "Why didn't you say so? It's all yours. Want some ice to put on that ankle?"

Dylan had to admit that he appreciated his sister's willingness to help. "Um... yeah, I guess if it's not hard to get at."

As he sits, Jade nods and goes for the kitchen. "No prob. Be right back."

Fifteen minutes later, the game had started. Dylan was settled between Jeff and Ashlee, able to keep his foot up and still play cards. Laughter between most of the players was frequent, and though competition was fierce, it was all in good fun. Somebody makes popcorn and breaks out the pop that was in the kitchen refrigerator. Winning hands rotate between players and at some point, everyone has won at least once, though Luke's in the lead - after which Jeff complains he never should have been invited and is promptly whacked upside the head with as much humor as had been in his own statement.

An hour passes, and Dylan is relaxed, but has yet to join the laughter or even crack a smile... unless the faint grin that tugged at his mouth every now and then counted. Seeing another Skip card played, he rolls his eyes over to Ashlee. "Thanks. A lot," he teases dryly.

"She just likes making you sit out," Jade comments from across the table, throwing her brother a grin. It was good to have him here, interacting at all, whether he was enjoying it as much as the others or not. They didn't always get along as siblings, for sure, but she still loved him and hoped that he'd find his place. "It's a woman thing," she concludes.

"Next game..." Dylan points at her. "You sit over here and get the brunt of all my cards. How about that?"

"Oh no, I'm quite comfy." She pats Dan's leg and leans into his shoulder a little more. "Thanks for the offer though."

Dylan smirks and shakes his head. He gives Ashlee another sidelong glance. "Next time someone plays a Reverse, I have a Draw-4 with your name on it."

It was dark in the barn, except for a few dim lights. It would have been closed up for the night, had Eric not preferred being in here than his bunk for a little while longer. He slowly brushes the red roan mare, his hands lost in the soothing task, and his mind lost far, far away. The sound of the bristles combing through the soft hair tantalizes his ears and brings so many thoughts up from the dead. The scent of the horse infiltrates his nostrils, bringing a collage of memories. The feel of the warm, rippling muscles beneath his palm births scenes in his mind from the past.

It had been so long... so long. His hands pause and he leans his arms across the mare's back, his eyes not seeing anything but years that had gone by. He could still feel the thick leather woven between his fingers as he gripped the reins and a chunk of coarse mane. The first leap always sent his heart into his throat and the trip around the track always felt so much longer than it was in reality. He could still remember the first time he and Mick and been neck and neck and without having even talked about it prior, they'd reached out, clasped hands and crossed the finish line together. And after that, they'd been the unstoppable duo.

A little smile of melancholy curls Eric's lips, his gaze still holding a faraway look. Somehow a wedge had been driven between him and Mick after a while... maybe it was jealousy... maybe it was that they were growing older and beginning to go their separate ways. But no matter their differences, eventually, they'd come back around again, as good a friends as ever. Then Eric had taken that fateful fall and nothing had ever been the same.

Glancing down, he runs his finger through the mare's hair then fingers her mane. He'd lost so much after his accident. It had taken so long for him to regain enough balance and control to even think about riding again... and so many skills had been lost. He could remember struggling with simple math and spelling, proving the depth of damage. Trucking... had been his only way out of a world where he felt stupid daily.

The mare turns her head as much as she could while in the crossties, and looks back at him as if asking if he was going to keep grooming her or just stand there all day. Eric smiles a little and shakes his head. "I'm sorry." He pats her neck lovingly. "You're as bad as a woman who feels neglected."

"It's be being pregnant part. Always makes 'em moody."

Eric swings his gaze over his shoulder, surprised to see Mick wasn't back at the house yet, and he gives him a wry grin. "Yeah, Jim said she was due here pretty soon."

"Mm-hmm." Mick wanders around the other side of the mare, letting his hand trail down her neck before he stops and looks across her back at Eric. He'd seen a light on and had just come to check it out. Maybe finding Eric here was a good thing. "Should be a good foal."

"Out of Turbulence?"

"Nope. Stud from the Mullin's ranch - big grey. Great disposition. Thought about buying him - he's been up for sale a few times. Figured I'd see what kind of foal this girl here would throw first though."

Eric nods absentmindedly as he picks some hair out of the brush he'd been using. His eyes study the bristles for a few moments. He'd been avoiding Mick the last few days... but maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all. Mick didn't seem to hold any grudges... for which Eric was thankful. He'd been a jerk, no doubt, and he wasn't proud of it.

Mick cocks his head as he looks at his brother-in-law, seeing the pensive stare. And he wonders. "You know... sometimes God gives us a second chance with something we love."

Eric's eyes shoot up and they lock with Mick's. Was he referring to horses?

Mick runs his fingers through the mare's mane, tugging at a couple tangles. "I keep telling Rosetta I need an extra set of hands for the training - with riding lessons and normal breaking, I mighta bit off more than I could chew with those fillies that need race training. Gotta have them ready for the track but most of my help either doesn't have the experience or they're kept too busy with other work." He shrugs. "Figure it'll come together somehow, one way or another."

Giving the mare's back a last pat, he sighs and turns down the aisle. "Goodnight, Eric."

Left alone again, Eric grooms the horse for much longer than planned. Was there...hope?

It was at least another half an hour before Eric finally shuts off the lights and make sure all the stalls were closed up for the night. Wandering outside, he shuts the barn door and looks up at the dark night sky, sighing wearily. His walk is rather aimless as he favors his leg... but he still didn't head for his bunkhouse right away. He saw lights still on in the dining room - the late bunch was probably still up playing cards. He really didn't feel like mingling right now. So, he continues to wander, forgetting about the possibility of running into the ranch's new security.

Con chuckles and shakes his head. "Yeah, you know how Jamie gets - she's the jealous type through and through."

Folding his arms, his eyes twinkle with humor before he replies to her wanting to call Jason. "Aw, you think I wouldn't have all the bases covered? I already talked to him. He's fine and he wanted you to have a worry-free break. So we're gonna at least let him think it's worry-free." He winks at Katie and nods towards the exit. "Come on. I'm driving."

"Thanks, Misty." Rick was glad he had her around to help keep his head on straight. Grabbing everything he thought he needed, he aims for the door before stopping again.

Looking over his shoulder, he addresses Misty once more. "When I get back... don't let me forget to call Cindy." The look in his eye was a grim one. "If she wants to spend time with Jason..."

He can't finish his sentence, so he turns and leaves instead.

Tal's eyes glisten as he smiles at Ryan, thoroughly enjoying the time spent with her. It had been even more fun than he thought, and seeing Ryan laugh made it all worth it.

He sighs deeply but nods. "Yeah... " Then his eyes widen. "I just had a vision of your brother coming after me. I think you're right. We definitely need to get back."

Grinning again, he stands up and brushes off his jeans before offering Ryan a hand up too. Just standing with her a moment, he cocks his head and reaches out to tuck her hair behind her ear. "We'll pick up where we left off, tonight when you come over," he reasons.

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