

Hearing that the band would be opening for another made Karla's heart race as she penciled them in one the little calendar they had to keep tract of practice, events, going to the recording studio. She felt excited for the band and couldn't wait. But as the attachen was reverted to her at the mention of Kip She could feel her cheeks turn a little warm. He was missing out on a lot, and no matter how hard she tried. She felt bad, and wished she could do more, but all she could do was just comfort him and be there.

"I'll let him know about the gig, and see if he is up for it, but really Kyle any more information than that you need to ask Kip yourself and not avoid it. He needs to tell you, not me and than have me relay it. I'd tell him the same thing too."

Karla really felt it was important for Kyle to go to Kip, or Kip to come to the band. To many lines could be crossed if there was a middle person and thats something she really didn't want out of respect for both of them. She just hope Kip would be ok, and he'd find his place again. There was so much talent there just waiting to burst forward it hurt to see him holding it all back.

Leaning her head into Jason's hand Katie just lets his skin drift over hers. The feeling of his soft finger tips brush over her skin. She loved the way his hands felt on her, the way let sent tingles all over her body. Looking deep into his eyes as his hands just seemed to sooth her Katie gave the best smile she could.

As Jason starts to talk again she could feel the tears automatically welling in her eyes a little. She tried to hold them at bay as much as she could. She didn't like thinking about life without Jason, and she wished he wasn't even talking like this right now.

"Well, you wont have to worry about it because Rick will find a cure, and you will be ok and go on to be an old man."

She new there was a chance Rick might now but Katie believed that he would, he had too. Rick couldn't let Jason give up, and couldn't give up on him either. There just had to be a cure...God couldn't let this be Jason's end.

Burying her head into Jason a little more so he couldn't see the tears that wanted to escape her eyes Katie held him close to her. They were right next to each other and she felt like she wasn't close enough to him. Time was to short and it just wasn't fair.

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