
I sure wouldn't

Seeing Eric give her his own once over she new she had been caught in doing the same thing and she can't help the little bit of color that crawled up her neck. But as fast as it came it went too and another smile was replaced on her face.

"If I thought that was your best than I sure wouldn't want to see you at your worst."

Humor dances in Stacy's eyes for a quick moment showing she was teasing him and rather enjoying it as well. Maybe there was something different about him and what she saw on the road was just a bad day. Time would tell if there was another softer side to this man.

Holding out her hand to Eric Stacy tilts her head a little into the moonlight just letting the rays wash over her. It was enough light to see but as the same time cast shadows that just seemed to accent everything in the right areas.

"I'm Stacy Cullen. New to the ranch, but so far loving it. It's nice to meet you."

Ashlee leans back in her chair and laughs again breathing in deep. Her side were starting to hurt but it just didn't seem to matter. There was to much fun going on to really care, even if it meant tomorrow being sore would be even worse.

"For an invalid you sure do know how to get around. I'll hand that to you. I've never broken anything but if I did I'm not to sure what I would do. I like being out and about to much to just sit."

Hearing Jeff call Uno Ashlee's eyes widen a little bit but a wave of releaf washes over her as Jade throws down the reverse and Jeff picks up. The game was still on, no one had one yet, though now she new that Dylan's draw four was coming her way not too.

"Yeah, good block Jade."

As Dylan blames her for the trouble being started Ashlee stops talking and just looks at him for a long moment. A grin toying at the side of her mouth as she tried her best to hide it. Not being able to hold it anymore the grin breaks forth as Ashlee gives a little wake to Dylan's shoulder.

"Me, start trouble. Look at this face, does it really look like I was capable of that?"

Ashlee gives a little bat of her eyes as she continues to look at Dylan. Ok maybe she had started it a little but it was still funny to pretend she hadn't. Looking back to the game she quick gives Dylan a glance followed by a wink and than plays a card.

Taking a sip of her drink and thinking for a long moment Katie ponders Con's question. She could give her normal I'm ok like she did everyone else but what was the point? Con new her better than that and it would be an insult to him. That was really something Katie didn't want to do. But how was she really feeling? That was a question Katie didn't even know the answer for sure.

"Oh, thats a loaded question I guess. I'm ok to an existent and than past that I'm stressed, tired, and just want everything to be ok again."

Katie lets out a long sigh as she picks up a fry and drags it through some ketchup. She new it would be a while till everything would be ok...if it ever would be. She didn't like thinking about it not being ok, and what would happened if Rick couldn't fix things. Katie new that if it was Jason's time than it was in God's will but still it was a hard thing to except.

"I just want him to be ok again ya know. Even if that meant being on the antidote for the rest of our lives I would be ok with that as long as Jason was ok."

A small tear formed in Katie's eye as it rolled down her cheek. She often wondered now if they had stayed on the antidote and not made Jason go off it, if things would be different. She couldn't blame herself and she new that but it was a what if she often though about anyways.

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