

Having Ryan turn around, Tal smiles down at her almost sheepishly. Not many people knew this about him. "Oh..." He shrugs. "My sister is a massage therapist. I got interested in it a while back 'cause of her - even started training, but money got tight and I had to quit. So I know just enough to make your neck feel better, but not enough to tell anyone about it."

His smile turns to a wry grin and he reaches down to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. "And now I paint over dings in cars. Go figure."

There were more things about him that no one else knew. More things about his past... his upbringing. Perhaps a faraway glint in his eye unintentionally revealed a rougher life than one might guess. But his smile hid it well.

Rick nods and gives Katie's arm a final pat before he stands up. "Atta girl. Try to finish your juice there and then rest some more..."

...It had been several days, and Jason was still in the infirmary at TJY. Though not having fallen prey to unconsciousness, he had been sleeping a lot and had been under Rick and Misty's monitoring. Medication helped his pain but he still hurt all over, and battling nausea was a constant. He did his best not to complain, and overall remained quieter than anyone expected him to be.

"Well... think I can let you out of here?" Rick sits on the edge of the bed, checking Jason's vitals again.

Jason sighs and pulls himself up to sit straighter, having been kept company by Katie this morning. "Sure would be nice. Getting kinda tired of seeing these four white walls."

Rick chuckles. "Welcome to my world." He pauses, collecting his thoughts. "Listen, Jase..." He glances to Katie. She knew what he wanted to say to Jason, and both knew he wouldn't take it well. He hoped her presence would at least thwart Jason from losing his temper. "...there's something I want to talk to you about."

Jason shifts and lets a hand slide off the bed to be met with Trooper's wet nose as the dog came in to visit his master. "What? Reese complaining this brute is running around loose?"

"Nah. He's been too busy to notice, and so far Trooper hasn't gone around biting anybody."

"I always said it wasn't his fault in the first place."

Rick shakes a finger at the big dog. "Learn to control your temper, and you'll be around here for a while." He turns his attention back to Jason. "About you going home..."

"Yeah, I know."

"You know what?"

Jason's eyes drift to Katie for a moment before he responds to Rick. "You want Katie to stay with me at my place and you're taking me off work."

Rick quirks an eyebrow. "Well, your hearing seems to be working fine."

Jason manages a rueful grin. "I guess so."

"So you're... alright... with all of that?" Rick couldn't help his surprise. He'd really expected an argument.

Jason shrugs. "Figure I don't have much of a choice. No point in trying to fight you over it."

Rick was still surprised though. Honestly, this wasn't like Jason, to just take this lying down. Any other time Rick had tried to take him off work, it had been like pulling teeth. Let alone telling him to be babysat by Katie. And he wasn't even complaining? It was strange enough that it almost concerned Rick and he couldn't help tossing Katie a bewildered look. "I guess I'm glad to hear that. And this is just temporary... once you start feeling better again, we'll reevaluate and go from there."

Jason looks down and fiddles with a loose thread on the bedsheets.

Rick furrows his brow. "What is it?"

"Nothing." Jason lifts his gaze and forces a smile. "Does this mean I get to go home today?"

"I told Katie she can take you home after work."

"Okay." Jason watches Rick leave before he turns back to Katie, the same forced smile on his lips. "Well, I guess you get to play nursemaid." He reaches up and tugs a stray lock of her hair playfully. "Elite Agent... bodyguard... nurse... you're pretty talented."

Days at the ranch seemed to go by fast. After several days had passed, everyone was familiar with Stacy and Ashlee, making sure they had everything they needed and already getting used to them being around. Many made the extra effort to interact with them, getting to know them better and learning more about them.

After the first day, Dylan retreated some. He still didn't like the thought of Stacy being there, and though Ashlee made him a little intrigued, he withdrew, sticking to his barn chores, doing his schoolwork in his bunk or outdoors, and eating supper on his bunk porch like he used to do. He'd be back in the dining hall sometime... just... not right now. He did keep an eye on Ashlee though - if nothing else, simply out of curiosity about what made her tick.

Mick had noticed his son drawing back but hadn't said anything. If he did, he'd probably just make things worse. He'd just let this thing run its course, confident that Dylan would come around. At the very least, at least he was staying away from Ashlee for the most part...

...Evening. The sun was sinking low towards the horizon, spreading color across the clear sky. The ranch was relatively quiet, with most people gathered inside for dinner. The only one not accounted for was Dylan, who sat on his porch, slowly eating supper alone.

It didn't used to be unusual to see the red semi cab pull into the ranch. But this time, there had been several weeks of silence from the driver, which was a rare enough occurrence that his arrival would cause curiosity.

The engine sputters and gives a loud pop, followed by a hiss as it pulls to a halt. Eric looks out to see a thin trail of smoke leading from the hood. At least he had made it back. Unfortunately, he didn't know when he'd get to leave again. The temporary fix from the auto shop on the way here looked like it had worn out, and he knew there would be no second "band-aid." It would have to be totally fixed for him to drive anywhere now... and that might be some time away, seeing as though he couldn't afford the work that would need to be done on the old engine.

After parking in his regular spot, Eric doesn't get out of the cab right away. He had envisioned all of the "I told you so's" that he could, and dreaded every single one. He'd almost not come at all. Maybe he wouldn't have, had all his belongings not been here. He wasn't sure. But as it was, he was here, and he was here alone. His eyes drift to the passenger seat. It was just as empty as it had been since his wedding day, and just as empty as his heart.

Taking a deep breath, he finally exits his truck. It was evening and he could see activity through the window of the dining hall. His guess was that guests and ranch hands were finished with supper and that it was the family's turn now. He wasn't going to make an entrance though. He'd rather not. Someone had most likely heard his truck as he'd pulled in, but he would greet people later.

Easing down from the truck, he favors his leg that had grown increasingly sore the last couple days. Retrieving his duffel bag, he slings it over his shoulder and slowly heads towards his bunkhouse, head bent and limping slightly. His worn boots crunched on the gravel and he remembered the last time he'd had a stopover here. Dana had been on his arm and he'd been happier than any other time before. So much for that. Everything had only gone downhill from there.

Getting to his bunk, he unlocks the door and slips inside for the night.

In the dining hall, the sound of the sick engine had not escaped Clint's ears. Tilting back in his chair, he moves aside one of the curtains on the windows and quirks an eyebrow as he sees a familiar figure head to one of the bunkhouses. It was odd for two reasons - one, because Eric always came in to say hi, and two, because he was evidently alone. Clint was fully aware of the family tension though, so maybe it really wasn't that strange not to see Dana - perhaps she'd opted not to come or he'd put her up nearby, planning to leave again right away. Though the way the truck sounded, Clint had his doubts that Eric was going anywhere any time soon.

"Hey, what is it?"

Clint looks back to the table and to Jim. He lets his chair fall back onto all fours and shrugs. "Eric's back."

"Really? Is he coming in?"

"Nope. Headed to his bunk."

His voice his heard at the next table over, and Mick lifts his head, throwing Rosetta a sidelong glance. They'd both been rather concerned after not hearing from Eric for several weeks, but Mick had tried to be positive, suggesting the honeymoon lasted longer than planned, or they were just busy and Eric was content and had simply forgotten to call. But now that he was here... and sine he hadn't come inside... did someone need to go check on him?

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