
A new day

Looking over at Quinn and giving a smile Anastasia tightens her grip in his for a moment before letting her fingers relax again. Since he had deiced to stick around she spent more and more time with him. Weather it was sitting with her at the store, or going out places just spending time with him was nice.

Knowing his brother hadn't called him again Anastasia did all she could to keep encouraging Quinn and keep his head on his shoulders. It might be a slow process but she had faith that God would bring them together stronger each day till they could talk more. They just had to have faith, and trust God new what he was doing.

Sitting in the back of the crowd Michaela can't help the smile that formed on her face. She'd told Rocky next time there was a consent than she would be here to see him and here she was. After the show would she go back stage probably not but she was here non the less.

Continuing to watch Rocky as he sang Michaela couldn't help but notice that he really was good looking like his picture online portrayed. Under the spotlight it just seemed to make him shine even more too. He was deffintly made for the stage and she really was enjoying about able to see it.

Smile as Mick comes over with someone she wasn't to sure who it was Stacy turns a little and gives a nod. Having the introduction take place She takes Eric's hand in her own and for a long moment she just study's Eric's eyes. She felt as though she new him from somewhere but from where?

"Hello its very nice to meet you Eric."

Seeing Eric Ashlee perks up just a little bit. Before even being told it was Rosetta's brother Ashlee could of guess that. He looked alot like her. Giving a big smile Ashlee takes Eric's hand in her own. His eyes were sad and she cocked her head a little bit just trying to work through the look in his eyes.

"Hey. Its great to meet you. Yeah mom is not me. Oh, you were talking to her weren't you."

Ashlee couldn't help sly little smile that formed on her face. Eric seemed like someone who seemed like he could take a joke and if she could crack a little smile from him that was a good start. Just something about him seemed...soft hidden behind the sadness right now.

Giving a nod to Eric Stacy looked away for a moment. She couldn't have known him maybe he just had one of those faces. Hearing his question she looks up at him again and gives a smile.

"Yeah I am. This will be Ashlee and I's home for a while, and maybe even permanently if Mick thinks we fit it well. Having and extra set of eyes here to make everyone safe not just Dylan is a good thing."

Pulling outside the small hour and seeing a car in the driveway Beth just sits there for a long moment. Her stomach was in knots and her hands seemed to shake just a little bit as she wondered if what she was doing was really smart or not.

Justin loved his mother, and she could see how much it pained him to not talk to her. He didn't say it, or admit it to her but the longing look in his eye was clear that it did bother and hurt him that he couldn't right now.

Parking and getting out of the car Beth makes her way up the sidewalk and to the steps. This was might forward...even for her. But after Justin had been helping her she just wanted to help him out again. Giving a knock on the door Beth shifts her weight for a moment waiting for someone to answer the door. What she would say Beth wasn't sure but she would think of it.

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