

Popping in a movie and sitting down to start eating Katie new Jason was probably tired but if he just eat a little bit than that was all that mattered to her. Something was better than nothing. Once finished with her food Katie gets comfortable on the couch allowing for Jason to lay his head in her lap.

Letting her fingers link with his Katie brings her other hand to his hair and just runs her hands thought it slowly. It was soothing for her to do that and she new that Jason liked it as well. If Jason fell asleep that was ok. His body needed the rest to relax.

Trying to continue to watch the TV things were starting to get a little blurry as Katie's own eyes wanted to droop. She must have been tired herself more than normal too. Though she wasn't to surprised they had been through alot.

Continuing to just study her brother Rosetta could see the glint of sadness in his eye and it made her wonder. His tone seemed to match what his eyes said, and than it all kind of came together as she wondered if Dana not being here was part of it too.

Not wanting to pry Rosettta comes in a little more and sits on the edge of the bed. She felt bad seeing her brother so sad and it hurt.

"Eric...I see that look in your eye...I've had it myself before. You can tell me whats wrong you know that. Your my brother and I love you."

Looking over to Dylan as he holds out the Hoho Ashlee gives a smile. It was nice of Dylan to share with her and maybe another step twords friendship. It made Ashlee's heart flutter a little bit that Dylan wanted to share. Reaching out and taking it from him she smiles again with a little nod.

"Thank you!"

Taking a bite of the sweet treat listing to Dylan again Ashlee turns a little more and leans against the railing so she could face Dylan and see him a little better. Watching Dylan as he spoke and looking into his eyes Ashlee can't help but wonder about the lonely look. Why did Dylan keep himself away from other? Why did he choose not to have fun?

"But maybe if you sat with the other instead of by yourself than you could have a little fun too. It's not a bad thing to have fun. Maybe I could always start sitting with you too. Since I am new its kind of strange being at the table with everyone else. We could start our own trend."

Turning her head a little to look out across the yard again Ashlee lets out a small sigh. As confidant as she did feel sitting with people she didn't know having them all be adults was a little strange. At least Dylan was closer to her age.

Ryan's eyes twinkle as she continued to look at Tal. There was just something about him that made her feel so good. Maybe because his words were pure...but she liked it, and she liked the way it made her feel too.

"I don't know how you do it Tal, but you make me feel so good inside. Its warm and fuzzy...defiantly a good feeling."

Letting her feet slip from Tal's lap Ryan moves a little to reposition herself so she was closer to him. Pulling a hand on his chest her just rests it there for a long moment feeling his heart beat. he almost seemed to good to be true.

Leaning in a little Ryan brings her lips to his and press them there for a short moment before moving again and now slipping into his lap sideways wrapping her arms around his neck the movie seeming to be drowned out. Placing her head on his shoulder close enough to his ear so her soft breath could brush over it Ryan is silent for a moment before finally speaking.

"Thank you Tal, for setting me free again."

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