

Seeing Tal off Ryan goes back to work on her car finishing up what needed to be done before pulling it out of the bay and driving the next car in. She wondered if Eli would call her once Tal talked to him or not.

Right one que like Eli was almost reading her mind Ryan's cell phone goes off. Looking and seeing it was her brother a little sly smile forms on her lips as she walks over to Axel's work bench for a moment.

"It's my brother I gotta take this call. I'll only be a moment."

Going outside and around the corner Ryan compose herself slipping into a role like she was angry and disgusted. Over the phone it would be pretty easy to do but she made her body language match it just to make sure it was convincing.

"Hello...Eli. Yeah I wondered if you would call or not. Yeah Tal was here. Of all the dirty...I mean the nerve of that guy. Coming here to my work and begging to be forgiven. I looked like a complete idiot, and I though I could trust him but I guess I was wrong. I don't want him at our place anymore. I am totally disgusted."

Ryan tried her best to hold her laughter in though now she was happy Eli wasn't face to face with her. She just couldn't help the smile on her face. This was just to priceless.

Sitting at her desk Katie can feel Jason's emotions rise and fall even if he was trying to hide them. Little bits and peaces were coming through and she new he was upset. Looking up as Jason and Rick came inside Katie could feel her own insides twist. She hated having Jason upset with her and she new he was. But what else could she have done? He was sick and didn't want anyone to know. This was for his own good...right?

Just staying quiet in at her desk Katie takes the waves of emotions that come at her from Jason. She wanted so bad to go into the infirmary to see what was going on and to try and calm him but she new Rick had said not to so all she could do was sit and wait.

Finally though as Rick's voice cracks over the intercom Katie was to her feet and heading there. Stopping at the infermary door though she hesatates for a moment. Would Jason be mad at her? Did he even want to see her? Katie new she had to go in no matter what the outcome was.

Pushing the door open and entering Katie looks to Rick and than Jason trying to give a little smile before coming in more and going over to Jason before looking back to Rick once again.

"Hey Rick. Whats up?"

Sitting at the table with her mom and the other Ashlee can't help but let her eyes drift to Dylan every now and than just watching him for the longest of moments. Today she wanted to talk to him more but time just didn't allow it. Now at dinner she was stuck sitting with everyone else but Dylan was alone. Why did he sit by himself? Did he not like being with the others? Ashlee had so many questions about Dylan and she wasn't even sure why. He just seemed to interest her. Maybe later or tomorrow she could talk with him more.

Trying to take in everything being told to her and leaning about the two different family's Stacy enjoyed knowing this was going to be a challenge. Learning and trying to remember everything. There was so much to learn here that would help her grow it was in a way refreshing.

Hearing about Rosetta's one brother Eric Stacy stops for a moment. The names like one she had heard somewhere else but that was almost imposable. She'd never been here before. Giving a shrug she thinks nothing of it. Maybe it was just something close to that she had heard.

"Wow that was alot to take in at once. But...I think I like it. Its quite the little community you guys have built here and I think its really great. To see you all pull together is just comforting that there are places like this still in the world. It is very obvious that God has his hand in this all."

Taking another sip of her soup Stacy savers the taste as she though a little. It was funny how God worked things out. Sometimes not how we wanted at all but in the end he always did work it out that was for cretin.

"I am very happy to be here to help you guys out. So far from what I can tell we are going to have no problem fitting in."

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