

Hearing Ryan, Tal pauses and turns to look over his shoulder for just a moment. His cheeks rise slightly, proving that a little smile had emerged. Then continuing his route, he waves to Eli and takes his leave.

Joined in the living room, Eli glances over to his sister and shrugs. "It's an okay game. Seen better, but the score's close enough to keep it interesting." He leans back and puts his feet up on the coffee table. It was a little hard for him to concentrate... with everything that had happened, he tried to be confident and calm on the outside, but on the inside, he was still upset about Alec and what Ryan had been put through. Tal had been a nice distraction - Eli had an inkling that Tal had noticed him sulking at work, and his offer to hang out afterward had been an attempt to give Eli something else to do. Eli hadn't been able to think of a reason not to, so he'd invited Tal over to the apartment. In the end, it had been kind of fun for a while. Now though... it was back to reality. But there really wasn't anything he could do about it. "Working tomorrow?"

Jason returns Katie's kiss, allowing it to last. Bringing her close, he leans back until his head was on the armrest of the couch and he was holding Katie on his chest. Breaking away, he grins up at her and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Thanks for putting up with me."

He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, letting Katie rise and fall with the movement. "I don't know, but you're almost too comfy for me to let you go home," he teases.

Reese nods. "I'll say a week to ten days - and if you run into any problems, don't hesitate to let me know. We need this to happen, but I don't want it to stress you out either."

He gestures to the papers. "Go ahead and take those with you - bring them back in a day or two and let me know how everything else is going. In the meantime... I'll call the ranch and let them know we found their security guard."

"...she... she ex..excl..cl...exclaimed." Ty nods with satisfaction as he finishes another sentence. Libby would be the only one who knew about the kids book from the library, but it still had enough small words he didn't get frustrated, and enough big words that it challenged him.

Chewing on another chicken finger, he scans the next few sentences through his glasses. Finally setting the book aside on the cafe table, he grins at Libby. "Well, maybe I'll never be a genius when it comes to reading, but at least I can read letters from Mom now." He munches on his chicken. "I was thinking about writing her back sometime but then I realized I..." He quirks an eyebrow, almost annoyed. "...guess I don't write very well either." His handwriting was atrocious to say the least, and since he'd dropped out of school and the alphabet didn't make any sense anyway, it had just gotten worse.

He sighs a little and fingers a french fry before popping it in his mouth. His eyes go to the table. "Not that it really matters." After being suspended, he'd had way too much free time on his hands, and needless to say, he'd gotten pretty bored. The question of whether or not he still had a job at all was unanswered, leaving him wondering why he was even trying to better himself in other areas if it didn't seem to matter.

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