

Seeing BJ run off, Dylan isn't sure what to do - neither parent were saying anything, so he didn't know if that was permission to leave, or an order to stay. He's just ready to get up, when BJ comes trotting back and hands him the picture.

Not knowing what else to do but take it, Dylan stares at the drawing. Only one real thing stuck out in his mind - and that was family. Family obviously meant a lot to this young boy. These weren't even his real parents... Dylan and Jade weren't even his real siblings, but rather his cousins... but to the eight-year-old, it didn't matter.

Swallowing hard, Dylan fights his innermost emotions that reminded him of what he missed as a little boy... what he'd always wanted... BJ may have started a little late, but he had what Dylan always wanted - a dad who was right there no matter what. Dylan's dad had abandoned him. His eyes drift up to meet Mick's and for a long moment, their gaze locks. Did Dylan have a second chance here? Or would none of the past ever be regained? Things had gotten so screwed up... how could they ever be made right again? He still remembers how it had been his fault that BJ had gotten hurt not all that long ago too - that hadn't helped matters any. His eyes fall back to his half-eaten meal.

Mick looks over at BJ and gives him a wink and nod of approval. Seeing Dylan struggling now to know what to do, he decides to prompt just a little bit more. "I think we've got cookies for dessert," he muses. "If you wanna stick around, you can."

Dylan shrugs. "I didn't get all my schoolwork done today. I should probably do some of that."

"Oh, I doubt you'll get too far behind if you skip tonight." Mick cocks his head. "Peanut butter cookies still your favorite?"

Dyan's head snaps up and he speaks before thinking. "You remember that?"

Mick nods slowly. "Yeah.... yeah, I do." He remembered just about everything - Rosetta was the only one who knew how much he thought of the past... thought of his kids and how much of their lives he'd missed out on. He no longer dwelled on it, but it was definitely a pain that would never go away completely.

Dylan toys with a corner of BJ's drawing. "I still like them," he admits. "Jade makes some with chocolate chips that are to die for."

"Ooh, I know who to go to next time we want some sweets." Mick grins. Pushing his plate aside, he signals he's finished. He really wasn't... he wasn't full yet... but there were more important things than his hunger right now. "I think I'm ready for something sweet right now. So you want a cookie?"

Dylan sighs then shrugs. "Yeah, okay." His eyes drift over to Rosetta. "If you have enough."

"I dunno." Jason's fingers absentmindedly run slowly through Katie's hair, though he keeps his eyes closed. He did know why he asked, he just knew it would end up being a pointless topic. "Just wondered."

Though the sound from the television droned on, the lack of light and warmth on the couch provided the right atmosphere for weariness to finally have its way. A few minutes later, Jason's fingers had stopped moving and his breathing had become more relaxed, signaling that he'd fallen asleep.

"Ooh, going for scary, are we?" Ty grins. Maybe he liked it when they watched the scary ones too. "I think I can handle that."

He finishes off his chicken and takes another sip of pop. "Your place or mine? I think Wyatt's gonna be around - not that I care, but I don't wanna keep him up late. Dani gonna be around at your apartment?"

Leo's head pops up from the car he was working on as the sound of a nearby backfire enters the auto shop. "Oooh... somebody's coming our way. Sounds like a catalytic converter."

Miles slides out from under another car. "Bad wiring."

"Fuel pump," Ron chimes in from cleaning out the tow truck.

Axel cocks his head from where he was cleaning off a couple tools and hears another backfire. "Nah. It's just a bad sensor."

Leo's eyes travel in Ryan's direction. Current situations with her and Alec were no secret - news like that spread fast. But no one here had said anything, including him. Instead, he tried his best to simply be kind. He throws her a smile, not even knowing if she'd been paying attention. "It's probably something Ryan could fix in five minutes flat," he muses.

Driving towards J&J's, Tal sighs as he babies his car along the street. Spending the latter half of his day like this instead of enjoying a few hours off work wasn't exactly his cup of tea. But apparently his car had other ideas.

Making it to the auto shop, he cuts the engine and gets out, taking a look around. Spying the open garages doors, he also spots a familiar face. A small smile and wave are aimed at Ryan before he goes inside the customer area. Finding no one at the counter though, he stands and waits, figuring someone would be here soon.

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