

Time is a funny thing. Some may try to tame it, but it will never be tamed. It's as steady as the sun, never speeding up and never slowing. And when we blink, a world goes by.

Thanks for coming with me, Hero.
Jason reaches over and takes Katie's hand as he drives his truck down the highway, his other hand staying on the steering wheel. They were on their way to Texas for Jason to see his mom and for Katie to visit her family. It had been a week since they'd received permission from Reese. TJY work had needed to be wrapped up before leaving, and they didn't want to leave anyone in a lurch. But now they were finally on the road, hoping to arrive to the ranch around supper time. Jason planned on dropping off Katie there, then driving up the lane to his mom and surprising her.

His emotions were churning a bit. They had been all week. He'd felt very tired all week and Rick had been watching him like a hawk. Regardless, Jason hadn't wanted to put off this trip. He did feel a little weak as if he were getting over the flu or something, but he'd opted to just let it go, figuring he'd get to feeling better soon.

Your dad and uncle are gonna be glad to see you after they just left your place a few days ago.
He grins, trying not to recall the fiasco with Eric and how they hadn't heard anything after he'd left.
Personally, I'm just glad you're coming so I get you all to myself on the way down.

"Hey." Pete leans in the open doorway and looks in on Trey. It had been a busy week, without time for much other than work. He'd gone to be with Nikki and Carol a couple evenings, but parties at the lake had been skipped, as had much interaction between Pete and Trey. Pete wondered if that was best though, after the news last week. Trey hadn't said a word, so maybe he really was determined not to learn any more about his discovered family. It wasn't any of Pete's business really, though he did hope everything would turn out for the best.

"Heading to the lake tonight. Smaller crowd, but... saw Ariel yesterday and she said she'd be there." He shrugs. "Wanna come along?"

Mackenzie gives Misty a little nod, though maybe unsure about the whole hoping thing. She knew what hope was and it had been stomped on so many times, that she wasn't sure what to hope for anymore. But at least she'd gotten to see her dad and Misty both, even if it wasn't for very long.

It was hard saying goodbye. Perhaps more so because of the sad look in Mackenzie's eyes than the unfamiliar longing in Carson's heart. But it was inevitable that the two families part once more.

Mackenzie doesn't put up a fuss - maybe because she was worn out from the day. Maybe because she didn't want to misbehave in front of both of her fathers. Regardless, the parting was quiet and it wasn't long before the family was in their car and driving away.

Carson stands at the window for several long moments after the car had disappeared down the street. With Misty under his arm, he sighs deeply. "I gotta get back to work," he muses. Right about now, he felt like calling it a day. But he couldn't. He gives Misty a little squeeze and bends to kiss the top of her head. "Thanks for coming down. I could see Mac was glad you did." Backing off, he gives Misty the best smile he can, knowing that the look in his eye would give away that the wanted to talk to her more later.

Alec returns Ryan's kiss, though maybe it isn't quite as enthusiastic as usual. "Hmm?" He pushes off the wall and starts towards his motorcycle. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just trying to figure out how I didn't care about family before so I could do it again." He shrugs.

Pausing at his bike, he turns and studies Ryan for a moment as if he wants to say something, but then decides not to. "Let me drop off my bike at my place... then maybe we can go somewhere."

Scott knocks timidly on the office door and only enters when he is beckoned. Stepping inside, he closes the door again and keeps his eyes to the floor. Days had gone by and nothing had changed - at least not on the outside. The only person he'd spoken to had been Jenny... he'd refused anyone else. A lot had been on his mind. More than normal, it seemed. Ever since he'd talked to Reese, it seemed he was questioning even more his reasons for wanting to go or stay. Hope had been on his mind, too. His future. What was left for him in the real world, if anything. And he always came back to the same conclusion... the same answer. He couldn't conquer this on his own. But no one here could help him.

Dr. Hawks looks at him, waiting expectantly. "Yes?"

Scott draws an invisible pattern on the floor with his toe. "I'll see Justin again," he mumbles.

Dr. Hawks' eyebrows rise. He was very surprised, but not about to argue. "Okay. I can call him and set up an appointment for-"

"No." Scott finally looks up. "Just... just tell him he can come whenever he wants."

"Well okay." Dr. Hawks waits for more, but Scott only turns to leave. "Scott?"

He turns back around, his hands still stuffed in his hoodie pockets.


Scott shrugs. "I guess I... guess I owe him another chance at helping me."

"Okay." Dr. Hawks studies him closely, wondering at the change of mind. Had he actually been thinking things through?

Scott is about to leave again, but rethinks it. "I, um... guess maybe I still wanna figure out why life's worth living."

Watching Scott leave, Dr. Hawks leans back in his chair. Interesting. Very interesting. Picking up his phone, he dials Justin.

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