

Having started her day early Katie leans against one of the fences at the ranch. Just watching the horses as they were out in the field. It had been a quiet more, and knowing Jason was up she hadn't bothered him. Last night she felt a little discomfort from him but with the new he was bringing to his mom how could he not be like that. So She tryed not to worry and just let him have his time with her.

On receiving his first message Katie had already been able to tell something was wrong. She could tell Jason wasn't feeling all that well and it worried her just a little.

Ok, I'm here J.

Taking a slow pas she made her way down the lane twords Cindy and Wes house. If by time she got there Jason was feeling fine, and everything was ok Katie could turn around and some back leaving his mom and him to there visit. But Katie would want to make sure for herself he was ok.

Getting about half way Katie is hit with a strong wave of pain that for a moment send her to her knees as she holds her head. This wasn't good, this wasn't good at all. A million and one emotions were pushed at her all at once. Struggling to get to her feel Katie new she had to, Something was terrible wrong and she had to get to Jason.

Walking quickly she soon broke out into a run twords the house keeping her own pain and emotions in check. She had to get there as fast as she could.

Picking up the phone and hearing Cindy's paniced voice on the other end Angel was already up and getting a bag together with several different things along with some of the antidote Rick had sent to her in case anything happens while Jason or Katie where here.

"I'm not sure where Katie is Cindy, but I can promise you she is on her way now knowing something is wrong. Hang in there, I am on my way as well ok?"

Hanging up the phone Angel takes she bad and leaves the office heading to the house she gives Luke a bref over view on what was going on so he didn't worry where she was. Than heading to her own car she makes her way out there.

Not even knocking on the door Katie opens it and than closes it behind her. Her breath heavy from running she comes over to where Jason was. She wished she could say hi to Cnidy but there really was no time for that now.

Looking to her she lifts Jason's head just a little bit before slipping beside her on the couch she new she was worried, but having her here might make matters worse. It was hard to contill her own powers when this was going on. But if Katie kept her moving back and forth it should be ok.

"Cindy I need you to go get me a glass of water, and than try and find Jason's sugar pills for me please."

Drawing her attachen back to Jason Katie rests her on hand on top of his, and her other runs through his hair. Just letting his emotions come to her.

I'm here Jason, I'm here. Just try to relax and let your feelings go. You're going to be ok.

Katie lets a soft hum from from her lips and she just continues to try and console Jason, to get him to calm down and just let his emotions go. She had to at least get him stable for now.

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