

Hearing Alec's voice a smile automatically forms on her lips. It was always like that when Alec came around, the smile or grin just formed even if she tried not to let it. Turning her head slowly to look at Alec Ryan takes note to the look in his eyes.

"Your in luck, I just need to tighten a few more things here and than I am done for the day."

Turning back to the car she was working on Ryan finishes up and shuts the hood on the car. Looking to Alec and giving a wink Ryan grabs her paper work and walks over to where Leo was at.

"Hey, you don't mind filing this paper work for me would you? I'm going to jet out a little early. I'll do your paper work tomorrow!"

It was silly for Katie to think that Reese wouldn't guess that she'd go with Jason. Where one went the other always followed. Feeling that Jason was a little tired Katie gives a small nod even if Jason couldn't see her.

Ok babe, I'll probably be awake for a while yet.

Paying for the ice cream and heading home Katie was tired but she new her brain was to active to even try to sleep. Everything seemed like is was a mess and no one new what to do. Opening the door and stepping in she tryed to sound a little cheery.

"I got the ice cream now who picked the movie?"

Taking Mackenzie in her arms Misty returns the hug. She loved seeing the little girl again and was happy she remembered who she was. Misty had never told anyone but she likes kids, big or small.

Looking up at Ken's voice Misty gives a friendly smile as she lets go of Mackenzie and listens to who everyone is. Giving a little wave and a small not to everyone she was happy to meet them as well.

"Its very nice to meet you all."

Reaching into her purse the silver bracelet with Carson's name on it tinkles a little with the movement. Pulling out a small package Misty smiles again and hands it to Mackenzie. A little green bow was tied on top.

"Its not anything big but I thought it might be nice to have something nice for yourself."

Inside the package was a silver soft tip brush and a matching mirror. Misty had found it while she was out at the mall the one day and liked it. She had just been waiting to give it to someone.

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